Zumba® Kids

Zumba® Kids

By Zumba Thornbury

Date and time

Thu, 27 Oct 2016 16:15 - Mon, 2 Jan 2017 17:00 GMT+1


Thornbury Methodist Church

High Street Thornbury BS35 2AQ United Kingdom


After years of teaching Zumba® Kids in schools and private facilities and at parties I am proud as punch to launch a regular class in my home town of Thornbury alongside my very talented assistant Jodie O'Brien.

The launch class is Thurs 27th October and is absolutely FREE so please book up as places are imited. We'll also be having cake and giving away free classes for parents so please check our class list for the class you wish to attend when you book your child and let me know when you arrive.

The class is open to any child from 6-10 and will consist of a warm up, Zumba® songs where we break down the choreography, some fun music themed games and a cool down using a song the kids can sing along to.

I love teaching Zumba® Kids and hope you will be able to sign your child up for a term of fun. You can sign up on the day for the Christmas term whcih starts November 3rd and lasts for 6 weeks. The term is £30 for the first child and £20 for a sibling. If your child doesn't use all their sessions then you or someone in the family can use up the unused classes and any of my Zumba or other classes.

Organised by

Zumba Thornbury is run by Natasha Johnson and has been going since January 2011. Some of the classes are run by other equally fantastic teachers, who also teach you steps, teach you the words and host fabulous Zumba parties at each of their classes.

Natasha Johnson and Emma Cooper teach Zumba classes at various locations run  by Zumba Thornbury. The best thing about our little 'co-op' is that our Zumba members get a loyalty card when they start classes with us. Every time you pay for a class you get a loyalty stamp and once you have collected 6 stamps you get a class for free!

There's also great Yoga-Lattes & Zumba Toning classes, have a look at our website for more details: www.zumbathornbury.com 

Sales Ended