South West Speakers

We are part of Toastmasters International and our vision is to inspire, equip and increase your personal confidence in public speaking whether you are a complete beginner or a more experienced speaker or presenter. South West Speakers is one of the 11,700 regional branches of Toastmasters International, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping people learn public speaking and leadership skills. Toastmasters International has speaking clubs in 92 different countries!

What can you expect from attending our club? A friendly welcome, a supportive and encouraging group of members, an opportunity to both develop and excel as a speaker and as a leader and an entertaining and fun evening with a diverse group of great people- in fact the perfect environment for you to improve your communication skills and overcome the fear that many have of public speaking.

Upcoming (0)

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Past (2)

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday


South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday


South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday


South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday


We are part of Toastmasters International and our vision is to inspire, equip and increase your personal confidence in public speaking whether you are a complete beginner or a more experienced speaker or presenter. South West Speakers is one of the 11,700 regional branches of Toastmasters International, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to helping people learn public speaking and leadership skills. Toastmasters International has speaking clubs in 92 different countries!

What can you expect from attending our club? A friendly welcome, a supportive and encouraging group of members, an opportunity to both develop and excel as a speaker and as a leader and an entertaining and fun evening with a diverse group of great people- in fact the perfect environment for you to improve your communication skills and overcome the fear that many have of public speaking.


Sorry, there are no upcoming events
South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday


South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday


South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 4th Wednesday


South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday primary image

South West Speakers Toastmasters Meeting - 2nd Wednesday
