Meet the Professionals: Eledigital

A chance to meet representatives from a variety of sectors.

By Hugh Baird University Centre

Date and time

Wed, 18 Nov 2020 06:00 - 06:30 PST



About this event

Kevin Kearley - Founder / Owner, Previously Digital Forensic Manager

Now self-employed with a varied background in engineering, CAD, Crime Scene Reconstruction, Presentation, Digital Forensics, Court training, Crime Scene Attendance, Facial Composites and Coding.After leaving Lancashire Constabulary as Digital Forensic Manager I initially started a business to interview witnesses with a view to producing Facial Composites.Whilst at Lancashire Constabulary I had responsibility for Forensic Photographers, Crime Scene Reconstruction, CCTV/E-Forensics and Facial Composites as well as involvement with CSI and the recruitment and training of. Prior to joining Lancashire Constabulary, I developed the Crime Scene Reconstruction Unit for Merseyside Police. Producing 3D reconstructions for court presentation.My strengths and value is taken from the varied experience I have gained over the years and as a result have recently been involved in projects such as exporting cyanoacrylate chambers and continue to provide presentations for court for Police Forces in the UK.I have taken my skills and developed multiple solutions including visitor management systems which are being installed nationwide in the education sector.

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