Memorial Service 10 years after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake

Memorial Service 10 years after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake

The 10th Anniversary of Great Eastern Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Memorial Service東日本大震災10周年追悼礼拝

By Japanese Anglican Church (UK) St Martin's West Acton

Date and time

Starts on Sat, 6 Mar 2021 07:30 PST



About this event

6th March (Sat) 2021 15:30

Live stream from St Martin’s West Acton London

Preacher : Rt Revd Dr Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield

During this Memorial Service marking the 10th anniversary of the disaster, we will remember those who died at the time of the disaster, and since as a consequence of it. Also we remember those who are still suffering. We will give thanks for those who have worked for reconstruction and to restore communities.

The event will be conducted under COVID-19 rules that apply at the time. It is planned that the event will be livestreamed for those unable to attend.

[The above photo was taken in 2020 by Masahiro Watabe at the Minami Sanriku Memorial Park.]

誠に、大変残念なことですが、現在のコロナ蔓延の状況を鑑み、一般会衆なしでオンライン礼拝をSt Martin's教会から発信することになりましたので、ご了承ください。10周年追悼礼拝は、所属団体に属さない在英日本人の方々からのご協力を得て,ライブ発信の場所はイングランド教会でも、宗派にこだわらず、バーチャルでも、共に心を寄せて追悼を捧げることができますように願っております。

** 視聴参加ご希望の方は、このサイトから事前に登録をお願いします。追悼礼拝の数日前に、登録されたメールアドレス宛に、当日視聴できるサイトが送信されます。お手間をおかけしますが、よろしくお願いいたします。

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