Using your name, date of birth and place of birth and full permission I am able to Locate your souls history within in the akashic records.

By https://www.cosmoenergyhealingcentre.com/

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About this event

    ABOUT THE SESSION AND WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE: When you book, I confirm with an email asking your date of birth, full name and location. Then I need at least a week to do the reading and we book a date and time to do it. You receive via email the reading as PDF prior to our meeting via zoom to answer questions and guide you through the healing and clearing.

    1. First a 1:30 hour reading of your soul profile and identifying any negative ancestral programming.

    2. Followed by a Quantum Bio Spiritual Regenesis Healing and ancestral karmic clearing & DNA reconfiguration – includes a 21-day Self-Healing/Clearing integration.

    3. You will receive your full PDF soul reading explaining all the information and energies in-depth.

    4. Plus, a guided Ancestral Healing Journey via zoom + a recording for you to access at any time.

    5. Free of charge 3 half-hour follow ups whenever needed or once a month after the clearing session.

    Using your name, date of birth and place of birth and full permission I am able to Locate your souls history within in the akashic records.

    I then scan for over 80 different blocks and restrictions, including attachments and energies that are no longer in your highest good. These can be from your past lives, ancestry or karmic issues etc.

    These include:







    -entities etc

    I also find important key information about your divine blueprint such as soul groups, energetic gifts & specialisations etc which really helps you to understand yourself better on soul level.

    Once I find the issues I then clear with in your records using an advanced negative energy removal technique

    Ancestral Healing

    Ancestral Healing is a powerful spiritual immersion into your ancestors bloodlines that will help you identify the subconscious and unconscious/shadow programming and quantum entanglements that we have all inherited from our Mother/Father bloodlines. Those can take the form in current incarnation as our lives limiting beliefs, subconscious life choices, energetic projections and imprints, traumas, phobias, pains, fears, beliefs, family patterns and blocked emotions that they don’t allow us to move forward with our lives and reach our fullest potential. As individuals we inherit the karmic debt of our ancestors up to 7 generations and even more. Those encoded imprints are held deep into our cellular DNA memories, physical, mental and emotional and they are affecting our lives now.

    The Ancestral reading will help you identify, clear, transmute and release all of those blocked imprints, disruptive blocks, inter-generational trauma, curses, wounding and limitations that affect our lives now. By doing this kind of clearing work you will be able to liberate yourselves but also your families and ancestors from this infinite loop or the reincarnation cycle, find a way forward into the light and truly being able know thyself. Only when you know who you are you can set clear goals and move forward according to your soul missions compass, magnetizing your true will and manifesting it in your lives.

    Through the karmic clearing & DNA reconfiguration you will regain your crown, cut loose anything that draws away your life force and creates anxieties and problems in your reality. You will be able to witness the ‘deep calm’ and you will feel protected, reenergised and have the clarity to pursue you dreams without doubts, hesitation or limitation.

    Benefits from ‘Reclaim your Crown’ reading and clearing

    • This program will help to empower you to liberate yourself from your own constraints.

    • This program WILL shift what needs to be shifted, it will GIFT what you are aligned & ready for. Everything we are seeking is already available within our own Quantum Field

    • This program WILL unlock your psychic/intuitional powers & abilities & expand your own intuitional awareness

    • ACTIVATE a Higher Manifestation Timeline so you may ACTUALISE your gifts, goals, dreams.

    Happy Clearing

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