Amy Thorpe - Summer Term 2024 – Communication & Interaction Surgeries

Individualised consultations with an AOT teacher.

By Autism Learning Support Team

Select date and time

Wed, 22 May 2024 05:00 - 05:45 PDT



About this event

Individualised consultations with an AOT teacher, to discuss the needs of children and young people with communication and interaction difficulties, who may or may not have a diagnosis of autism.

These 45-minute surgeries are open for schools to discuss pupils who may have a diagnosis of Autism (and are not already open to AOT), be on the Neurodevelopmental Pathway or where school may have concerns about the pupil’s C&I needs, which may include difficulties with social understanding and communication, flexibility, information processing and sensory processing.

C&I Surgeries will provide an opportunity for discussion around pupil needs, to explore strategies, interventions and to access advice and signposting without making a referral to Autism Outreach. This is to promote early intervention and support schools in implementing a graduated response.

Schools are advised to bring a maximum of three pupils for discussion (either one or two pupils for a focused discussion or a small group (3) of pupils with similar needs).

Information, advice and support is aimed at SENCOs, but inclusion managers, teachers, and support staff are very welcome to join the discussion. In most cases, discussions will be for named pupils with parental consent (consent for discussion forms will be sent to you once you have booked in).

If assistance is required, please call 0116 305 9400 or email

Organised by

Austitic Training Courses for practioners working with school age children.