An Introduction to Heritage Issues and the Planning System

An Introduction to Heritage Issues and the Planning System

This is an interactive session to explore heritage and listed building issues & how they interact with the planning system

Date and time

Wed, 4 Dec 2024 10:00 - 12:00 PST



Refund Policy

Contact the organiser to request a refund.

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours

** Please note, this training will be delivered in the medium of English

Heritage matters can take various forms and include listed buildings, conservation areas ancient monuments and archaeology sites. These matters can be material considerations in determination of planning applications and creation of planning policies. In addition, there can also be additional consents that are required e.g. listed building consent or scheduled ancient monument consent. It is often thought that such areas are a no go for development, but this may not necessarily be the case

This training event provides an interactive session to explore an introduction of these issues how they interact with the planning system:

  • What is a Listed Buildings including what is covered by such a designation?
  • What is a Conservation Area? And what controls apply in such areas?
  • Local heritage designations, what are they? and do they carry any weight in planning decisions?
  • An explanation of Archaeological Areas.
  • Scheduled Ancient Monuments, what is the implication of such a designation?
  • Historic Parks and Gardens, what are they and the implication of such sites in the planning process
  • How can communities engage in this process and respond to potential developments affecting such areas?

*If you would prefer an invoice and pay by cheque/BACS, please email or on 02920 625009

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** Sylwch, bydd yr hyfforddiant hwn yn cael ei ddarparu trwy gyfrwng Saesneg

Cyflwyniad i Faterion Treftadaeth a’r System Gynllunio

Gall materion treftadaeth fod ar sawl ffurf a gallant gynnwys adeiladau rhestredig, ardaloedd cadwraeth, henebion a safleoedd archeolegol. Gall y materion hyn fod yn ystyriaethau perthnasol wrth benderfynu ar geisiadau cynllunio a chreu polisïau cynllunio. Yn ogystal, mae’n bosibl bod gofynion ychwanegol er mwyn cael caniatâd e.e. caniatâd ynghylch adeilad rhestredig neu ganiatâd ynghylch heneb hynafol. Credir yn aml fod y fath leoedd yn rhai amhosibl i’w datblygu ond efallai nad gwir yw hyn o reidrwydd.

Bydd y digwyddiad hyfforddi hwn yn darparu sesiwn ryngweithiol i archwilio cyflwyniad i’r materion hyn a sut maent yn rhyngweithio gyda’r system gynllunio:

  • Beth yw Adeiladau Rhestredig, yn cynnwys beth sydd ynghlwm â’r fath ddynodiad?
  • Beth yw Ardal Gadwraeth? A pha reolaeth sy’n berthnasol yn y fath ardaloedd?
  • Dynodiadau treftadaeth leol – beth ydyn nhw? Ac a ydyn nhw’n cario unrhyw bwysau wrth wneud penderfyniadau cynllunio?
  • Esboniad o Ardaloedd Archeolegol.
  • Henebion Rhestredig – beth yw goblygiadau’r fath ddynodiad?
  • Parciau a Gerddi Hanesyddol, beth ydynt a goblygiadau safleoedd o'r fath yn y broses gynllunio
  • Sut all cymunedau ymgysylltu â’r broses hon ac ymateb i ddatblygiadau posibl a all effeithio ar y fath ardaloedd?

* Os byddai'n well gennych anfoneb a thalu gyda siec / BACS, e-bostiwch neu ar 02920 625009

Organised by

Our purpose is to support communities and planning authorities to work better together in shaping places.


We work with local planning authorities to support approaches for thoughtful community engagement as part of a proactive planning process.


We work with community and town councils to see the world from their perspective and explain the planning process, their role in it and what they can achieve.

Ein diben yw cefnogi cymunedau ac awdurdodau cynllunio i weithio’n well gyda’i gilydd wrth lunio cynefinoedd.


Rydym yn gweithio gydag awdurdodau cynllunio lleol i gefnogi dulliau o ymgysylltiad ystyrlon â chymunedau fel rhan o broses gynllunio rhagweithiol.


Rydym yn gweithio â chynghorau cymuned a thref i weld y byd o’u persbectif hwy ac esbonio’r broses gynllunio, eu rôl ynddi a’r hyn y gallant eu gyflawni.
