Blaenau Gwent Antenatal Information Session

Blaenau Gwent Antenatal Information Session

Are you expecting a baby? Our Antenatal Information Session is free for parents-to-be, partners, family members or friends.

By Gwent Early Years Services

Date and time

Wed, 21 Aug 2024 15:30 - 18:00 GMT+1


Ebbw Vale Welfare

Station Approach Ebbw Vale NP23 5AZ United Kingdom

About this event

  • 2 hours 30 minutes

You are welcome to attend any Antenatal session and/or course in Gwent; however, we strongly advise you to attend the borough in which you live to ensure you receive the best information and support possible.

Come along to find out what support services are available to you during and after your pregnancy. Health professionals will be in attendance to provide information, along with a midwife offering advice on labour, birth and pain relief – there will be opportunities to ask plenty of questions.

For more information please contact / 08000 32 33 39

Please access our free online Antenatal Courses at, use the code GEYAP

*Once registered, your information will be shared with the local authority in order for them to offer support.*


Sesiwn Gwybodaeth Cyn Geni Blaenau Gwent

A ydych chi’n disgwyl babi? Mae ein Sesiynau Gwybodaeth Cyn Geni yn rhad ac am ddim i ddarpar rieni, partneriaid, teulu neu ffrindiau.

Mae croeso i chi fynychu unrhyw sesiwn Cyn Geni ac/neu yng Ngwent; fodd bynnag, rydym yn eich cynghori’n gryf i fynychu yn y fwrdeistref yr ydych yn byw ynddi er mwn sicrhau eich bod yn derbyn y wybodaeth a’r gefnogaeth orau posib.

Dewch draw i gael gwybod pa wasanaethau cymorth sydd ar gael i chi yn ystod ac ar ôl eich beichiogrwydd. Bydd gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol yno i ddarparu gwybodaeth, ynghyd â bydwraig a fydd yn cynnig cyngor ar yr enedigaeth a lleddfu poen. Bydd cyfle hefyd i ofyn cwestiynau.

Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â / 08000 32 33 39

Ymunwch â’n Cyrsiau Cyn Geni, sy’n rhad ac am ddim, gan ddefnyddio’r cod GEYAP

*Unwaith y byddwch wedi cofrestru, bydd eich gwybodaeth yn cael ei rhannu gyda’r awdurdod lleol er mwyn eu galluogi i gynnig cymorth.*

Organised by

Gwent Early Years Service organise a host of different events which provide information, advice and support for expectant parents and families with young children aged 0-7 years living across the 5 boroughs of Gwent.