Build Back Better- The Green Recovery - 1 Day Conference

Build Back Better- The Green Recovery - 1 Day Conference

Build Back Better Green Recovery- Green Technology, Green Jobs 1 Day on line conference

By Green Economics Institute

Date and time

Sat, 23 Nov 2024 01:00 - 09:00 PST



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About this event

This event is part of the Green Week 2021 of the European Union


Session 1

Introduction to Green Jobs, Green Recovery, Build Back Better, Global Reset, Decent Work

Just Transition

Dr Enrico Tezza ILO.,TBC. (Italy)

Bianca Madison-Vuleta (Croatia, Denmark, Italy)

Marie - Monique Franson and Dirk Holemans- Oikos (Belgium)

Ewa Suffin Strefa Zeleni (Poland)

Anjikwi Mshelbwala (Nigeria)

Q and A

Session 2 Green Technology and resources

Experts Debate introducing the concepts and technologies

Hydrogen, rare earth metals, negative carbon, wind, solar, heat, recycling, circular economy, green building etc

Q and A

Professor Peter Yang (USA and China)

Professor Mahfouz (Algeria)

The Netherlands Green Institute speaker on hydrogen

Session 3

Break Out Rooms -all participants discuss and worked examples in smaller groups

Lunch Break

Session 4

Green Jobs, Green Technology- Loss and Damage and Equity

Expert Panel and introduction to the technologies

Q and A

Ewa Sufin

Maria Madi (Brazil)

Miriam Kennet

Dorothy Nulebega -(Uganda)

Session 5 The Green Recovery and Policies and the Green Deal from different international institutions, Banks, NGOs and TNCs- how do they differ- what are they trying to do

Introducing the policies

Participants report back in groups

Session 6 The challenges -The Global Reset -The Gender Perspective

What does it mean -do we want a recovery or a complete reset ?

According to Malala- we need to do everything rantine, some of us lost important moments in our lives that we can never recreate – graduations, holidays, meeting a newborn grandchild. Some lost so much more, from jobs to loved ones.

'Yet I don’t want to return to “normal.” I believe this crisis has offered our world a chance to change for the better.I don’t want to return to a world of accelerating climate change or racial injustice. I don’t want us to resume our lives while we continue to ignore discrimination and violence against religious and ethnic minorities. I don’t want us to finally leave our homes and neglect more than 70 million refugees, forced by conflict or persecution to leave their own.We know that the pandemic has only exacerbated many of the problems women and girls faced before this health crisis. Before COVID-19, 129 million girls were out of school around the world; Malala Fund’s research estimates that 20 million more girls might never return to the classroom after the pandemic.

Section 7 The challenge to include all people everywhere and not wrecking the planet- mining exploitation -how do we do it- ?

Expert lecturers

Q and A

Paul Kennet

Hans Kare Flo

Martin Koehrig

Richard Wouters

Section 8

Expert panel

All participants summary and questions

Edward Gildea

Hugo Spowers

James Norman

Professor Graciela Chichilnisky

Dzintra Atstaja

Besmir Geziqi

Session 9

Conclusions, next steps. What we have learnt

Training Outcomes

Organised by

The Green Economics Institute is based in the UK and provides inspirational leadership for ecological, social and economic justice transformations fit for the 21st and 22nd centuries.

The Green Economics Institute, is active throughout Europe, and runs a global network, impacting European policy development and outcomes.

It works on climate and visioning the future, long term frameworks of the economy and civilisation, basing its ideas on scientific and philosophical research. All its activities feature its unusual profile of European and global voices of non standard actors and its emphasis on holism, sustainability, future resilience, inclusion and diversity. This includes expert work on philosophies of social justice and mobility, refugees and migration.

It is a Members’ network and the professional body for Green Economics practitioners, policy making and practical organisation of innovators, philosophers and thinkers to envision and lead towards a world which meets the needs of all people everywhere, ( especially women ) nature, other species, the planet and its systems. Its team members usually have a multi mode background, often cross border, and always firmly rooted in the real world.Its include practitioners, scientists, academics, business people, and supply chain experts, mapping the downturn in human destruction of nature, the economy and the environment and are well placed to suggest a recovery path, both in terms of human health and also the environment and nature.

Its Publishing House GEIBooks, has over 100 titles in print, and each one provides a global network of people and voices advocating a message and campaign for change towards a more benevolent and beneficial world. The Green Economics Institute has a TV station, an academic journal, a members’ magazine, a specialist climate science organisation, a Charity and a Conference Making organisation. The Institute has world class speakers speaking often in parliaments and Universities around Europe, Nobel prize winners, national business award winners and others, professors, students, farmers, business people.

It has its own large delegations to the United Nations Climate Talks UNFCCC. which include exhibition stands and climate events and is an official Research Organisation of the United Nations. Its work is used around the world by governments, kings, princes, global institutions, businesses, students, philosophers, economists and many more.

It runs courses at all levels for qualifications, including field trips, summer schools, youth in action, Erasmus, short courses long courses, post doc supervision, and lectures in many European Universities and many others. It also runs regular conferences to support its campaigns and to encourage debate and progress both on line and mainly in Oxford and around Europe. It runs regular exhibition stands, publishing and giving speeches and hosting conferences in most countries in Europe

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