Business & Intellectual Property One-to-Ones

Business & Intellectual Property One-to-Ones

Do you have a business idea, or are you an existing business looking for help to improve or grow? Perhaps you are not sure where to start?

By Business & IP Centre Cambridgeshire & Peterborough

Select date and time

Mon, 1 Jul 2024 07:15 - 08:00 PDT



About this event

    If you have an idea for a business, or need some help protecting it, then we can point you in the right direction.

    Protecting your intellectual property is paramount. By knowing and understanding your IP rights you can ensure that you are safeguarding your creativity effectively. IP consists of four main areas: copyright, trademarks, patents and designs. Businesses of any size can be at risk of IP infringement, therefore ensuring you have the right form of protection is worth the time and effort, and it’s easier than you think! We can give you basic IP information and signpost you to your next move.

    What's on offer?

    We are offering free online one-to-one sessions with our BIPC staff who can provide support.

    We can help you to:

    • Increase your chances of business success
    • Identify the information and organisations which will assist you in protecting your idea
    • Show you the information and resources available both in the Business & IP Centre and online.

    How to Book

    1. Select your preferred date and complete the Eventbrite booking form.
    2. Our BIPC team will then email you with a request for more details on what you are looking for, and finalise your booking. This will help us find the best resources for you.
    3. We use Microsoft Team to conduct our one-to-ones. Once we receive the extra details from you, a calendar invitation with a Microsoft Teams link will be shared with you.
    4. If you do not respond to our request for additional information within 48 hours, then your booking will be cancelled.

    If you do not hear from us within 48 working hours after you have booked, please email

    Want some more information before you book?

    Email us at if you have any questions.

    BIPC Jumpstart

    A 1:1 will also contribute towards your BIPC Jumpstart Grant application, where you could win up to £10K in grant funding.

    Organised by

    The Business & IP Centre Cambridgeshire and Peterborough supports entrepreneurs, inventors and small businesses from that first spark of inspiration to successfully launching and developing a business.

    The Business & IP Centre is part of the British Library Business & IP Centre national network.