Cancelled: Changing Mindsets Student Champion Training

Cancelled: Changing Mindsets Student Champion Training

By Changing Mindsets

Date and time

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:30 - 17:00 GMT



Portland Building Portsmouth PO1 3AH United Kingdom


Date: 20th March 2019
Time: 13:30 - 17:00
Location: 1.67 Portland Building
Space is limited; registration is required

Changing Mindsets is an Office for Students funded project focused on closing attainment gaps. Changing Mindsets is a student and staff workshop-based intervention that builds a growth mindset: the belief that intelligence is not a fixed characteristic and can be increased through effort.

This training will provide an overview of the theories of intelligence and mindset and its effect on learning. By the end of the training attendees will have an improved understanding of their own mindset, as well as a number of strategies to promote a growth mindset.

This training will also introduce stereotype threat and implicit bias and their interaction with mindset. Techniques will be presented to break and reduce stereotype threat and implicit bias as barriers to student success.

Students that participate in this training will receive a certificate that indicates you have met the key learning objects, these include:

  • An improved understanding of your own mindset
  • An improved understanding of the interaction between stereotype threat, implicit bias and mindsets
  • An improved understanding of the impact of your own and others' mindsets on your own and others' behaviour, language use, and expectations
  • An improved understanding of the impact of behaviour, language use, and expectations on learning and educational outcomes
  • An improved understanding of strategies for developing your growth mindset, inclusive behaviours, high expectations for all and enabling language

Participants will also be given guidance on how to list this training on their CV and HEAR (Higher Education Achievement Report). Also, participants will be provided with information about how this training will enable you to meet a number of the Hallmarks of a University of Portsmouth graduate.

Your participation in this training will help shape the findings of this project and strengthen the intervention.

Tea, coffee, and biscuits will be served.

Access information:

Portland building is fully wheelchair accessible. Further access information is detailed on the Disabled Go website. If you need any accomodations made please contact Jessica Gagnon on

Questions about this training or about Changing Mindsets?
Please contact Jessica Gagnon on

Organised by

Changing Mindsets is an Office for Students funded project focused on closing the attainment gap of BME and working class students. Changing Mindsets is a student and staff workshop-based intervention that builds a growth mindset: the belief that intelligence is not a fixed characteristic and can be increased through effort.


Working in collaboration with University of Arts, London; University of Brighton; University of Winchester, this intervention aims to close the attainment gap in student experience, retention, progression, academic attainment and employability by changing mindsets and eroding stereotype threat and implicit bias as barriers to learning.

Sales Ended