Caterham tastelife eating disorder recovery course - face to face

Caterham tastelife eating disorder recovery course - face to face

The course is for those struggling with an eating disorder or eating issues , regardless of diagnosis and for those supporting them.

Date and time

Thu, 19 Sep 2024 19:30 - Thu, 21 Nov 2024 21:30 GMT+1



Caterham Caterham United Kingdom

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

An eight-session weekly group face to face course for those who suffer from any eating disorder, and for those who care for them. The course will run each Thursday evening at the same time for eight weeks with a two week break on the 31 October 24 and 7 November 24.

The tastelife course is non-threatening, educational, and encourages a self-help approach that works. It is run by trained and accredited volunteers who care about those affected by eating disorders. Some have been sufferers themselves, or have supported them. Eating disorders are often a symptom of deeper problems and, while this is not an in-depth course to discover and deal with these underlying issues fully, it goes a long way to equipping participants with real understanding and coping strategies.

The course uses interactive and motivational methods to explain how to make changes in small steps toward health and wholeness. Its unique approach brings carers and sufferers together in an accepting environment where change is made possible. It is an experience that offers sufferers and carers a way forward and puts the steering wheel firmly in the hands of the sufferer.

With leaders Sara and Elise. If you would like to find out more or have a chat please email

Course session titles

  1. Living to eat or eating to live
  2. Mirror, mirror: self-image and addiction
  3. Under the iceberg: emotions
  4. Mind matters
  5. Bad days and good friends
  6. Caring beyond survival
  7. The ‘F’ word: food - friend or foe?
  8. Where now?

We're really pleased that you want to join a tastelife course.

Before we can confirm a place we first need you to read and sign our disclaimer and to complete a few details about yourself.

Our disclaimer:

I hereby release the tastelife course and its volunteers from any liability for any harm or perceived harm resulting from my voluntarily engaging in the tastelife course. I understand that the tastelife course is staffed by volunteers. Although they are not all licensed or trained professionals of counselling, therapy, or medical services, they are DBS checked and carefully trained and chosen. The leader will have attended the accredited, tastelife training course. If I am currently taking medication, or receiving other professional help, I will consult my medical doctor, therapist, counsellor etc. before altering any prescribed course of medication or action.

I am voluntarily attending the tastelife course on my own initiative and I am under no obligation to accept or reject any of the advice or help that I might receive. I understand that the tastelife team are, to the best of their ability, doing what they can to help me achieve more freedom in my life.

I understand that if I share personal information during the course with tastelife volunteers they will use it to help them run the course for me, and to keep me informed about tastelife activities I may be interested in. They will not otherwise share my personal information with anyone else. I can find out more about how tastelife looks after my personal data at
However, if the team considers that medical intervention is needed, I understand that they will give me the strongest possible advice to seek professional help.

I also accept that tastelife will send me occasional email newsletters but that I can unsubscribe from these at any time.

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to have a diagnosed eating disorder to attend?

The course is for anyone who believes they have an eating disorder or disordered eating, because issues around eating have taken over their life. You don’t have to have an ‘official’ diagnosis to come. It doesn’t matter what sort of eating disorder you have either – this course is for you.

Can I bring a friend or family member?

You can come on your own or you are most welcome to bring a friend or family member. However, they will have to have their own ticket and sign up separately.

What's the minimum age to attend?

The minimum age is 14 and under 18s must attend with an adult or carer. There is no maximum age.

Do I have to attend all sessions?

The tastelife course has been designed to take participants on a journey. To fully benefit from the course, it's crucial to attend all the sessions. If you miss more than two sessions, we recommend redoing the course.

I would like to find out more, can I contact you?

If you would like to find out more or talk to someone, please email

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