Chat and Create group

Chat and Create group

Regular group to meet, craft and chat

By Lakeside Creative Arts Centre


Lakeside Methodist Church

693 Barnsley Road Newmillerdam WF2 6QQ United Kingdom

About this event

    Chat and create is a regular group, held every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:30-3:30pm. This group is open to all, and any crafts are welcome, even if you're just looking for inspiration and don't have a work in progress or something portable to bring.

    The group has a relaxed, friendly atmosphere for crafters of all levels and offers chance to meet like minded people. Feel free to pop in for a look, booking NOT required!

    The group is usually held in the lower hall of the building which is accessed via the driveway to the left. If the group is taking place upstairs instead there will be notification.

    Lakeside Creative Arts Centre is located directly to the right of the Newmillerdam Country Park carpark.

    If you'd like any more info on the group or have any accessibility needs please send us a message and we'd be happy to help.

    Organised by