Child Loss Support Group - Online Weekly Support Group

Child Loss Support Group - Online Weekly Support Group

A Foundation of Faith – Cradling Your Heart Helping you through the five elements of grief when losing a child, join us every Monday 8-9 pm

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Mon, 30 Sep 2024 12:00 - 13:00 PDT



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The Cara McDonald Foundation – Cradling Your Heart

An online weekly support group where you can come together with others who have lost a child, there is gentle ease that comes with knowing grief and being around others who know grief too. It is a connection that allows for understanding the unspoken, a connection that makes explaining unnecessary. A place of respect, honour and connection, a space to release and allow to surface what needs to surface. No agenda, no religion, no advice, no judgement, no opinion or solutions, a heart centred space to express and participate and gain acceptance, love, support and understanding. Here you can speak the truth about your loss and be heard and accepted and surrounded with unconditional love.

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The Cara McDonald Foundation – Cradling Your Heart

When my daughter died suddenly from meningitis aged 13, my world fell apart. The shock, pain and devastation I experienced was overwhelming and hard to deal with. The loneliness I felt as I worked my way through the pain, loss and grief and the lack of support that was available made the journey a hard one. I felt so alone with it and the pressure to pull myself together and get over it was a message I heard often both outright but also subtlety.

Grief is a process which is different for everybody but is something we do not talk about as a society. I would like to help others who have lost a child to have a different experience, one where some love, support and understanding are available to help you navigate your own way through your loss pain and grief.

The Cara McDonald Foundation exists as a heart centred space for families who have experienced the cruellest loss, the loss of a child. We are here for you if you have lost a child at any age/gestation and from any cause. I know that the loss of a child is a loss like no other, a loss so great, so painful that you don’t know how you are going to survive it. You never get over it, it breaks your heart and it is a lonely place to be. Back in the treadmill of life no one cares and everyone goes on, yet your world has stopped.

We offer a safe, loving, compassionate and understanding and sacred space cradling you, your lost loved one and you’re broken, grieving heart. At whatever stage of grieving you are, we are here for you. We are here to walk with you every step of the way.

The Support Group

An online weekly support group where you can come together with others who have lost a child, there is gentle ease that comes with knowing grief and being around others who know grief too. It is a connection that allows for understanding the unspoken, a connection that makes explaining unnecessary. A place of respect, honour and connection, a space to release and allow to surface what needs to surface. No agenda, no religion, no advice, no judgement, no opinion or solutions, a heart centred space to express and participate and gain acceptance, love, support and understanding. Here you can speak the truth about your loss and be heard and accepted and surrounded with unconditional love.