Conducting high-quality conversations
Ticket sales end soon

Conducting high-quality conversations

This topic covers the context and design of policy in government and is now being delivered entirely online by CSL!

By Defra Policy Profession

Date and time

Wed, 12 Jun 2024 01:30 - 05:00 PDT



About this event

  • 3 hours 30 minutes

Please note that you must have a or defra ALB email address to book.

The virtual classroom will take place via Microsoft Teams; for further information on using Microsoft Teams, please see the Defra intranet.


The ability to communicate in a way that is self-assured, respectful, engaging, and effective is necessary for successful relationships with clients and colleagues. On completing the course, you'll understand why many of us worry about having certain types of workplace conversations; emotional triggers that can make some conversations difficult; how to better manage your own emotions and those of the other person in the conversation; how to plan and conduct conversations with respect using a simple framework; and how to be confident to engage in challenging conversations. It is important to complete the activities before attending the workshop.

Learning outcomes

After completing this course learners will be able to:

● improve your conversations in your workplace.

● recognise the emotional triggers that can make some conversations difficult.

● develop techniques for managing your own emotions and opening up dialogue.

● plan and conduct quality conversations using a simple framework

● adapt communication style and tools / platform to different situations and stakeholders


If you have booked onto this course but find you are unable to attend please make sure that you log back into Eventbrite and cancel your place at least 5 days before the course is due to take place. This will ensure that others can take up places when they become available.


Whilst there would be a cost to attend these courses normally, the cost is being met by the Policy Profession Team.

Organised by

Booking courses

To book any of our courses or workshops please click on the links within the listings. If the course/workshop is full please add your name to the 'wait list' and you will automatically be allocated a place when one becomes available. Please note that you must have a or defra ALB email address to book.


If you have booked onto a course but find you are unable to attend PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU LOG BACK INTO EVENTBRITE AND CANCEL YOUR PLACE. This will ensure that others can take up places when they become available.


Whilst there would be a cost to attend these courses normally, the cost is being met by the department, so there is no need for you to source a purchase order.

For any EU Transition and international capability events please look at the HR International Capability Transition Learning page

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