Develop your Personalised Wellbeing Action Plan

Develop your Personalised Wellbeing Action Plan

Develop your Personalised Wellbeing Action Plan with Rener Wellbeing - Brought to you by South Westminster BIDs

By London Heritage Quarter

Date and time

Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:00 - 05:00 PST



About this event

This practical workshop covers:

Rener Wellbeing’s four prongs of wellbeing and how they benefit our health, happiness and work: mental health, physical activity, sleep and nutrition.

Attendees will go away with a tangible wellbeing action plan. It will cover:

- Your barriers to each area

- Your enablers to each area

- Tailored, tangible, realistic, and adaptable action points to each area.

- The benefits these actions will make to YOUR life… essentially your ‘WHY’.

About Rener Wellbeing:

Rener Wellbeing’s mission is to help organisations to support their employees to sustainably improve their wellbeing. They take a holistic four pronged approach to wellbeing, focusing on: mental health, physical activity, sleep and nutrition. They work with organisations of all sizes across four continents from startups, schools, NGOs, and FTSE 100s.

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