EMEA Convention, Madrid 2024

EMEA Convention, Madrid 2024 18 - 19 May 2024

By The Juice Plus+ Company

Date and time

Sat, 18 May 2024 09:00 - Sun, 19 May 2024 18:00 CEST


Multi-use Pavilion Madrid Arena

s/n Avenida de Portugal 28011 Madrid Spain

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event


We are thrilled to announce this highly anticipated EMEA Convention in Madrid Arena, our first EMEA Convention since 2018, and let us assure you, it's going to be a Juice Plus+ Convention like no other!

A massive arena filled with 7,000 Juice Plus+ Partners from across Europe; coming together to create an atmosphere that's nothing short of electrifying.

The agenda will be packed with exciting speakers, recognition and most importantly - YOU our Juice Plus+ Partners!

The countdown is on, so secure your ticket NOW!

Let's make Juice Plus+ history in Madrid! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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S nadšením ohlašujeme velmi očekávaný kongres EMEA Convention v Madrid Areně. Jedná se o první kongres EMEA Convention od roku 2018 a jsme přesvědčeni, že to bude kongres Juice Plus+ Convention jako žádný jiný!

Obrovská aréna bude plná 7 000 partnerů Juice Plus+ z celé Evropy, kteří společně vytvoří doslova elektrizující atmosféru.

Program bude plný zajímavých řečníků, uznání a hlavně VÁS, našich partnerů Juice Plus+!

Odpočítávání už začalo, vstupenku si proto zajisti HNED!

V Madridu budeme utvářet historii společnosti Juice Plus+! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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D E:


Wir freuen uns, die mit Spannung erwartete EMEA Convention in der Madrid Arena anzukündigen, unsere erste EMEA Convention seit 2018, und wir können dir versichern, dass es eine Juice Plus+ Convention wie keine andere werden wird!

Eine riesige Arena, in der 7.000 Juice Plus+ Partner aus ganz Europa zusammenkommen, um eine Atmosphäre zu schaffen, die schlichtweg elektrisierend ist.

Auf dem Programm stehen spannende Sprecher, Recognition und vor allem IHR, unsere Juice Plus+ Partner!

Der Countdown läuft, also sichere dir JETZT dein Ticket!

Lasst uns Juice Plus+-Geschichte in Madrid schreiben! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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E S:


Estamos encantados de anunciar esta esperada EMEA Convention en Madrid Arena, nuestra primera EMEA Convention desde 2018, y te podemos asegurar de que ¡que va a ser una EMEA Convention de Juice Plus+ como ninguna otra!

Un enorme recinto que puede albergar hasta 7000 Partners de Juice Plus+ de toda Europa, y crear un ambiente electrizante.

El programa estará repleto de interesantes ponentes, reconocimientos y, lo que es más importante, VOSOTROS, ¡nuestros Partners de Juice Plus+!

La cuenta atrás ha comenzado, ¡consigue tu entrada AHORA!

¡Hagamos historia con Juice Plus+ en Madrid! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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F R:


Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer cette Convention EMEA tant attendue à la Madrid Arena, notre première Convention EMEA depuis 2018. Vous pouvez être sûr que cette Juice Plus+ Convention sera exceptionnelle !

Dans cet immense complexe, 7 000 Partenaires Juice Plus+ à travers l’Europe se rassembleront pour créer une atmosphère vraiment électrisante.

Le programme sera plein d’intervenants passionnants, de reconnaissances, et plus important encore, de Juice Plus+ Partenaires comme VOUS !

Le compte à rebours est lancé, alors assurez-vous votre entrée dès MAINTENANT !

Écrivons l’histoire de Juice Plus+ à Madrid ! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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!אנחנו חוזרים ובגדול

אנחנו כל כך נרגשים להיות במדריד בכנס של ג'וס פלאס+ אירופה, הראשון מאז 2018, ולכם אסור לפספס את זה

!עם כל הזכיינים של ג'וס פלאס+ מרחבי אירופה במקום אחד, האווירה תהיה מחשמלת

האירוע יהיה עמוס בדוברים מרגשים, הוקרות וכמובן הכי חשוב זה אתם! הזכיינים של ג'וס פלאס

אל תפספסו! רכשו כרטיסים עכשיו

I T:


Siamo entusiasti di annunciare questa attesissima EMEA Convention alla Madrid Arena, la nostra prima EMEA Convention dal 2018, e possiamo garantirti che sarà una Juice Plus+ Convention unica!

Un'enorme arena piena di 7.000 partner Juice Plus+ provenienti da tutta Europa che si ritrovano per creare un'atmosfera a dir poco elettrizzante.

Il programma sarà ricco di entusiasmanti speaker, recognition e soprattutto VOI, i nostri partner Juice Plus+!

È iniziato il conto alla rovescia, acquista SUBITO il tuo biglietto!

A Madrid, facciamo la storia di Juice Plus+! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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We zijn blij om je deze langverwachte EMEA-Conventie in de Madrid Arena aan te kondigen, onze eerste EMEA-conventie sinds 2018. En we verzekeren het je: dit wordt een onevenaarbaar Juice Plus+ conventie!

Een enorme arena volgeladen met 7.000 Juice Plus+ Partners vanuit heel Europa die samenkomen om een opwindende sfeer te creëren.

De agenda zit afgeladen vol met opwindende sprekers, erkenning en vooral, JULLIE, onze Juice Plus+ Partners!

Het aftellen is begonnen, dus koop je ticket NU!

Laten we Juice Plus+ geschiedenis schrijven in Madrid! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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Z radością ogłaszamy tą długo oczekiwaną EMEA Convention, która odbędzie się w Madrid Arena, naszą pierwszą EMEA Convention od 2018 roku i zapewniamy, że wydarzenie Juice Plus+ Convention będzie wyjątkowe! 

Ogromna arena pomieści 7 000 Partnerów Juice Plus+ z całej Europy, którzy wspólnie stworzą elektryzującą atmosferę. 

Program będzie wypełniony ekscytującymi prelegentami, uznaniami i co najważniejsze – WAMI, naszymi Partnerami Juice Plus+! 

Odliczanie trwa, więc zamów swój bilet już TERAZ! 

Stwórzmy historię Juice Plus+ w Madrycie! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024 

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P T:


É com grande entusiasmo que anunciamos esta tão aguardada EMEA Convention na Madrid Arena, a nossa primeira EMEA Convention desde 2018, e garantimos-lhe que vai ser uma Juice Plus+ Convention como nenhuma outra!

Uma enorme arena repleta de 7.000 Juice Plus+ de toda a Europa, junta-se para criar uma atmosfera que é nada menos que eletrizante.

A agenda estará repleta de entusiasmantes oradores, reconhecimento e, mais importante ainda - VOCÊS, os nossos Juice Plus+ Partners!

Já estamos em contagem decrescente, por isso garanta o seu bilhete AGORA!

Vamos fazer história Juice Plus+ em Madrid! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

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R O:


Suntem extrem de încântați să anunțăm mult așteptatul eveniment EMEA Convention de pe Madrid Arena, prima noastră EMEA Convention din 2018 încoace! Îți garantăm că va fi o Juice Plus+ Convention unică!

O arenă imensă, pe care vor participa 7.000 de Juice Plus+ Partners din întreaga Europă. Ne vom reuni pentru a crea o atmosferă absolut electrizantă!

Programul va fi bogat în discursuri fascinante, momente de apreciere și, cel mai important, vă va include pe VOI: Juice Plus+ Partners!

Numărătoarea inversă a început. Rezervă-ți ACUM biletul!

Haideți să facem istorie Juice Plus+ la Madrid! #JPLive #JPMadrid2024

F AQS - https://shorturl.at/qtzDE

Frequently asked questions

What does my ticket include?

Your ticket to the 2024 EMEA Convention gives you access to the 2-day convention across Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 May 2024. Including a 3-hour After Party at the Madrid Arena on Sunday 19 May from 15:00 – 18:00.

How do I get to Madrid Arena?

The Madrid Arena is easily accessible by public transport. Please see the event FAQs for more detail on public transport.

Can I bring my child/children to the EMEA Convention?

Children over 12 will require a ticket to access the EMEA Convention. Children under 12 are permitted entry to the event without needing a ticket. Any babies will be required to wear ear protection.

Can I buy food and drinks at the Convention?

Yes, there will be Shake Bars and Food Stands to purchase food and drinks, payment will be via Card only. We will cater to the following dietary requirements: Gluten Free Kosher Vegan and Vegetarian

Organised by

From €48.75