Ending Male Violence Against Women and Girls (EMVAWG) Webinar

Ending Male Violence Against Women and Girls (EMVAWG) Webinar

A free online course offering an introduction to Ending Male Violence Against Women and Girls (EMVAWG).

By West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership

Date and time

Thu, 23 Nov 2023 02:00 - 03:30 PST



About this event

Violence against women and girls covers a range of distressing and unacceptable crimes, they take place in every locality across the UK and can happen within current or previous relationships, in families, and in communities. West Midlands Violence Reduction Partnership (WMVRP) is working with partners, local authorities and communities to prevent these crimes from happening, starting at an early age.

This training will cover;

  • A brief overview of VAWG
  • What is ending male violence against women and girls (EMVAWG)?
  • The government’s strategy to ending male violence against women and girls
  • What is the Public Health Approach to Violence and what the VRP are prioritising as part of the agenda?

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