Free Business Review Clinics

Free Business Review Clinics

By Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Growth Hub

Date and time

Thu, 2 Nov 2017 09:00 - 10:00 GMT


Bodmin Town Council

SHIRE HOUSE SUITE Vestibule Room Bodmin PL31 2DQ United Kingdom


The Growth Hub is a single point for accessing information and support for your business or if you a self-employed. It is also the first place to come if you are thinking about starting a business.

Let the Growth Hub take the hassle out of finding the right support and get your business on the road to growth.

We act as a signposting service; from help with strategy, exports, access to finance and more.

Sign up now for a chance to discuss your business with Mark your local Connector.

You may have just have a business idea or are thinking about starting a business. This clinic is the perfect way to get an impartial review of your plans and find out what help there is to get you on the right road.

If you are an established business this is a chance to have a chat to see where you are on your journey and what support might be available to help make your goals reality.

Not able to make this date?

We can book a review at a time and place that suits you. Give us a call to arrange a meeting that is convienient on 01209 708660.

Organised by

Ready to take your business to the next level with support to help you become more productive, learn new skills or implement new processes? We have over 10 programmes of support to help you work smarter and grow your business. These services are all FREE and range from support with your team, skills and strategy, to innovation, manufacturing, financial management, and achieving net zero.

You can also access one off events, training and workshops on hot topics such as using AI to business basics like sales and marketing. Explore your commercial goals with us, and see how Growth Hub can help accelerate your business.

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