Free Intuitive Energy Consultation

An intuitive Energy diagnosis or reading is a highly individualized reading of your spiritual/ informational component, blockages, solutions

Select date and time

Tue, 24 Sep 2024 11:00 - 12:00 PDT



About this event

An intuitive Energy diagnosis or reading is a highly individualized reading of your spiritual / informational component, your energy vibrations, aura and energy system (chakras) that influences not only the human thinking process but the entire neuron system. Chakras are informational centres of a person which are linked to various parts of the spine and the head. A person develops specific health issues and mental illnesses as a result of the wrong function of some of the programs on their spiritual/informational component. At the same time a person’s health is affected by their actions words, emotions, desires and thoughts and all of these are imprinted on a person’s aura. A person’s aura holds all of the information regarding all of their deeds which he has done and continues to do in this life starting at birth.

Please book using this link

During the intuitive Energy reading, the healer identifies the areas of stuck energy, negativity, attachments, prior karma and death or past life and necrotic connections that blocks different areas of your life such as health, love life, financial success, professional life, family relationships and overall abundance. The more negativity or blockages we have in the different areas of our lives, the more problems we experience.

Trapped emotions are created firstly in our consciousness and then they are moving downwards into the subtle and physical bodies where they get crystalized creating our life and the reality we are experiencing at the moment. Through an intuitive Energy reading we will uncover all the conscious and subconscious limiting beliefs, blockages and past emotional belief patterns that are preventing your personal growth, while uncovering your soul’s purpose giving insight in your currents life physical and spiritual karma, drives and virtues.

The session will allow you to discover your inner calling, give you a sense of fulfilment and understanding of the choices you are making in order to create your life now. By understanding what is preventing you to move forward with your life you make the conscious decision to removing them from your life, reclaim your crown and empower yourself.

The session ends with tools, suggestions on healing treatments and packages but also practices that will help you restore a healthy relationship among your physical, spiritual, metaphysical and emotional energies.

Finding balance and developing physically and spiritually is our responsibility in our current incarnation and an intuitive reading may be the beginning of a healthy empowerment on all levels.

Upon booking your slot, please email me the following

1. your full name at birth and any changes after that in your name!

2. Date of birth

3. Also if you could attach a picture of you

4. Location (where you based now)

Then we can arrange and agree on a time and day to have a WhatsApp video call or a zoom call to give you your reading!

Please book using the link below

See you there

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