GBG Weekly Global Business Collaboration

Collaborative Business Community of 23+countries where we pool global opportunities and share revenue.




10:00 AM - 10:30 AM


Meeting starts at 10:00 sharp - first half hour is for introduction, education and business keynote speaker of the day depending on the focus/agenda for the week

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM


During the second half we break into formal business rooms one for each sector as will be explained during the introduction. 1 . Buying (Imports) 2 . Selling (Exports) 3 . Investment Business and Pro...

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM


On the hour at 11:00 we open informal breakout rooms for visitors and members to mingle and discuss the opportunities of interest. Should you feel the need to pursue any of these opportunities you ma...

About this event

    We meet weekly to discuss the global opportunities listed by the members and to see how we can generate revenue amongst members.

    We welcome new visitors to join our dynamic community where we make international business as easy and transparent as local business.

    23+countries represented - a global collaborative business network at your fingertips

    * Please see instructions on how to fill in, check and respond to Business Opportunities -

    Frequently asked questions

    How can I join GBG?

    Please register on

    How do I participate in opportunities

    Please reach out to GBG Members through

    I would like to learn more about GBG

    Please join our Information sessions at 12:00 on the second Friday of every month at where you can ask questions and get an overview

    I have an Opportunity I would like to present to the group.

    Please go to find the type of opportunity you would like to load under Sector and use this to navigate to the relevant sections on the form. Select the GBG partners name that invited you from the dropdown. If you don't know who invited you, you may use Nikas Grumblys as host.

    What is GBG all about?

    GBG is a Global Collaborative Business Network where members share revenue. Should you want to learn more you can attend our training session at 12:00GMT on the second Friday of each month pls register at

    Organised by