How To Conquer Your Mind in 1 Masterclass

How To Conquer Your Mind in 1 Masterclass

When I was given 12 weeks to live, an inner shift happened. Come and learn how to conquer your mind, so you think, feel, and act differently

By Wonderful World of Wellbeing

Date and time

Mon, 29 Jul 2024 10:30 - 12:00 PDT



Refund Policy

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About this event

  • Event lasts 1 hour 30 minutes

    Imagine your mind as a jukebox of stories.

    Playing the same old stories!

    Have you ever wondered why life seems to be repeating itself? Same job, same circumstances, same relationship issues - repeating over and over. It's like we are stuck in a loop. I am here to tell you, life doesn't need to be this way.

    The mind consistently tells you, you are not good enough, you'll fail, you'll get found out, this is as good as it gets!..and the rest. It's what the mind does.

    Did you know, the mind can change in an instant?

    You just have to know how.

    While change may seem distant from the stories that our minds tell us, the stories that hold us back, get in the way of being in alignment with ourselves. The mind stories serve to keep us where we are now, stuck in a loop of frustration, and stress, and many people I work with, arrive telling me they have a sense of hopelessness, they have previously tried other modalities and still wonder if their life is ever going to change.

    Living in these states of despondency stops us from waking each day feeling great about ourselves and the life we live.

    Most people function in a state of stress and survival. No matter how hard they try to change their way of thinking, they still know that something is missing. As humans, we are far more dynamic and interconnected than we could ever imagine. Humans are great at creating change, we just need to know how.

    On Monday 29 th July at 6:30 pm, I will teach you How To Conquer Your Mind.

    You just have to be in the Masterclass and together, I will show you how to shift your thinking which will bring peace, harmony, and different results to enhance your life.

    During this one-and-a-half-hour experience, you will discover and experience how to

    • Experience powerful techniques that will shift your mindset so you can find the truth and answers you have been looking for:
    • Reset your thinking
    • Discover other brains within our system that serve up what is right for you
    • Understand how to tap into the multiple brains within your human system and
    • Elevate your decision-making
    • Learn how to sync and experience a different way of thinking
    • Discover your inner truth
    • Drop the mind monkeys and start generating thoughts that are 99.8% real and true to you
    • Dump second-guessing which plays havoc when making decisions and lowers self-esteem

    How To Conquer Your Mind In 1 Masterclass is an Interactive Experience

    You will leave How To Conquer Your Mind Masterclass With

    • Actionable insights already lived as an experience by attending the Masterclass
    • Learn how to change the neuroplasticity of the mind and cultivate change for everyday living
    • The process of thinking differently
    • How to stop into your other energy brains
    • How to switch between them

    All you need to bring is an open mind!

    Each guest will receive the recording

    Don’t miss this opportunity to master your mind and transform your life. Register now to secure your spot!

    Hi, I am Diane Mitchell.

    In 2006, I was given 12 weeks to live. In the moment I was served this prognosis, I experienced an inner shift. Although at that time, I didn't have a clue what had happened inside my body, a knowing instantly emerged that told me I was going to survive what was an extraordinary and fearful time in my life.

    I voiced to the medics, "I don't have time to die" I explained that something inside of me had just happened, whatever it was, it was telling me I was going to be ok, and I believed it, yet I could not explain what had just happened."

    Despite the Doctor turning to my husband and asking him "Does she always live in denial" This inner shift and my belief in the message I received from my body, saved my life.

    Deciding when my ordeal was over, and I had emerged from the other side of this life-threatening prognosis, I would explore what 'happened' within me was going to be a priority. Embarking on a journey of a deeper sense of self-discovery, brought findings that astonished me as I discovered that - the shift that took place within my body, which served in a vision and feeling in an instant, was a mind-shift inner experience.

    As a result of my inner dialogue reinforcing my will to live, with no traditional medicine to heal my life being presented, holistic interventions and inner exploration allowed me to grow away from the clinical prognosis. Over time I discovered a new true sense of self, grew in mind, body, and soul, new possibilities emerged, my mind changed, and the way I thought, felt, and acted all changed. And all for the better, as my second life emerged.

    This journey brought me to where I am today. Sharing the work I have created as a result of my experience brings me absolute joy, knowing that individuals can too free from their minds, align with what is correct and true to them, and live life on their terms while generating more and more of the peace that lives within each of us.


    Frequently asked questions

    Will I be invited to ask questions?

    Of course, this masterclass is curated for YOU - questions are welcome. You can email them ahead of time so we can schedule your question as a priority. Book your seat, then send your valuable question to titled: 10 June Masterclass Question.

    Will the Masterclass be recorded?

    This Masterclass will be recorded and available to participants to view unlimited times for 14 days following the event.

    Will I be able to join the Masterclass after it has started?

    Sure, you have purchased your seat, our event team will be monitoring participant entry - so join us when you are ready. Remember, you'll have the recording for a limited time following your Masterclass.

    Can I invite business colleagues?

    Yes, please do, we anticipate this priceless Masterclass selling out - and have a waiting list they can join. Simply send them this booking link.

    I want to attend this Masterclass, yet I already have an engagement scheduled. What do I do?

    Hey, we understand business owners have lives too - we will be releasing the recording following the event for you to capture every morsel of How to Conquer Your Mind In 1 Masterclass. The recording will be available for 14 days, so go ahead and book your seat, or join the waitlist.

    Will I need to take notes?

    Note-taking is your choice, do have a pen and paper handy. However, we expect guests to be 100 engaged in the sharing. You will have the recording to playback and take notes from there too. Hope this helps. We'll see you there.

    How can I be kept informed of other events like this?

    We host live, face to face and online events. The best way to keep on top of what's going on is to sign up here:

    Organised by

    Whether you’re interested in meeting Diane in person, partaking in one-on-one therapy, looking for ongoing support in the Wellbeing Academy, engaging with WWoW’s online wellbeing holistic professionals, or a business owner – joining the monthly niche network meetings - it’s safe to say that you’re in great company.

    What other services are on offer :

    • Private Holistic Therapy: Diane Mitchell Mindset Wellbeing

    • Bespoke program for SMEs: Master Your Mind - Master Your Business

    • Connect with Wellbeing Professional Services via our online directory

    • Wellbeing Is The New Currency Festival - Visitor Updates:

    • Wellbeing Is The New Currency Festival - What's On

    • Wellbeing Is The New Currency Festival - Exhibitor Opportunities

    • Networking for Health & Wellbeing professionals. Monthly meetings are hosted in Twickenham.

    • Got questions about any of the above: Book your personal 1-2-1 Complimentary Zoom with Diane.

    Early bird discount