Liberate: JUNE Collective Sound & Ecstatic Dance Workshop

Liberate: JUNE Collective Sound & Ecstatic Dance Workshop

Let go of stress & express yourself through your voice and movement at our Liberating Collective Sound & Ecstatic Dance Workshop this June!

By The Dance Sanctuary

Date and time

Wed, 26 Jun 2024 19:45 - 21:30 GMT+1


Beech Village Hall

1 Wellhouse Road Beech GU34 4AQ United Kingdom

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event


    We all have the potential to speak, sing, dance & express ourselves freely but most of us have either been conditioned out of this or have felt silenced/been shut down in the past. If you feel you've lost your confidence, your voice perhaps this is for you?

    LIBERATE is a powerful yet no pressure, safe container that supports you to unlock your full self expression through voice & movement. Marie has a light hearted yet emotive approach to this vital inner work & an abundance of wisdom/experience to share. This course is for those who are ready for more freedom, for positive change & perhaps need support accessng their own inner medicine in an uplifting & welcoming space.

    Collective Sound/Vocal Release:

    Each session begins with some vocal fun! Creating our own collective Sound Therapy. Various invitations & activations to release your voice, to play with your sound, to get curious about how your voice can be your medicine. These activations are powerful. Together, we will move through any blocks you may have to expressing your voice. This course is not about sounding 'good' or hitting the right note. Its about tapping into the healing potential of your voice and creating positive change & transformation. Finding your voice builds self esteem, releases stress held in the body & is so empowering! Creating sound together in a group that you learn to trust & feel safe with is an incredible, life affirming & beautiful experience.

    But don't worry, you will never be singled out and all vocal exercises are optional until you feel safe enough. Marie believes that each person will join in in their own natural time, no pressure. You get to choose when the time feels right for you not when someone tells you to! If you do not wish to make sound you can simply enjoy bathing in the sound of the group instead. Its a win win!

    Ecstatic Dance Journey:

    Ecstatic Dance is a barefoot freedance experience combined with gentle Somatic guidance & uplifting soundwave to help you loosen up & let go on the dancefloor. Reconnecting you with YOUR DANCE. Your birthright.

    We dance to EXPRESS, not impress.

    Connecting to the music & your body, dancing with whatever is present for you in any way that feels right for you. Step in perhaps feeling self conscious, anxious, or awkward (this is very normal!) and step out feeling elated, lighter & brighter! Some Somatic guidance will be given to help you drop into your body and quieten your mind, helping you to move through any self consciousness & anxiety.

    Move shyly, mildly or wildly! Sit & sway through the whole dance or prance around the room like a loon. Anything goes.No judgement. No rules. No steps. No pretence. No hierarchy. No comparison. No dance police!

    The Soundwave:

    Marie creates an bespoke, intuitive wave of music that is soothing, earthy, tribal, heart opening, euphoric, soulful & fun. We start off slow to land, stretch & tune in. The soundwave gradually builds to help you loosen up & let go to a high energy, exhilarating peak then gradually we come down onto the Earth for a cool down & relaxation.

    We start & finish with an opening & closing circle.

    Who is this for?

    This is an inclusive life practice for ALL ages, sizes, genders, fitness levels & health conditions. Absolutely no experience is required and you don't have to be a 'dancer'. or 'singer'! Is it time to commit to your wellbeing, to feel better about yourself & your body, to break free from self sabotage, stress & your overthinking mind? Or do you simply love music & miss your dancing days? Or perhaps you're seeking community & a sense of belonging? Each person comes for different reasons but all receive so much more than they came for.

    About Marie/The Dance Sanctuary

    The Dance Sanctuary has helped hundreds of dancing humans to FIND FREEDOM on the dancefloor for the past 10 years. Marie, Founder of The Dance Sanctuary & experienced Somatic Movement teacher, has an innate skill of making you feel welcome, at ease & safe to move through any fears and blocks you may experience on the dancefloor. Marie’s passion for mental health & physical wellbeing was born from her own difficulties. She shares...”At 30, dancing literally helped save my life & now it continues to transform my life at 50. It makes me feel ALIVE so I will dance till I die! Will you join me?”

    If you have any worries or questions before or after booking please feel free to reach out to Marie anytime: 07766410317 /

    Please note: This is a no booze, no shoes dancefloor.

    P lease also note: There are a NO REFUNDS or TRANSFERS for this event. If you can no longer attend, please feel free to gift or sell your ticket on to a friend. Please email me with the persons email address for booking purposes.


    It can be nerve wracking trying something new sometimes, we totally empathise! See what these new dancing humans said after their first time...

    I have never felt so free as on your dancefloor!' (Liane)
    "Marie, that was amazing! Thank you! Absolutely loved it. Loved every single tune you played, loved the space you’ve created, loved how you made us all feel comfortable and welcome, safe and at ease. Loved how you gently inspired us to dance, like no body’s watching, to dance like you don’t even care if anyone’s watching! Didn’t think I could so easily let go and rave like that. All credit to the brilliant Dance Sanctuary. A very special thing. Can’t wait for the next one! "(Hannah)
    "Wow, wow, wow! What a simply wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning! Incredible tunes and beautiful dancing souls, just wish I didn't have to wait a whole month for the next one. Marie, you are amazing!!! It was such a beautiful soul-led experience and I feel blessed to have been a part of it, thank you Marie and to all our fellow dancers who made me feel so welcome and supported." - Paula
    'The experience for me is very transformational. I arrived so depleted, tired and very emotionally redundant. The music, the dancing and safe space that is created raises me to a place where I feel truly grateful, happy and full of love. At the end, I often have a little cry, not through sadness but gratitude for all that I have - and that I am blessed to be around such beautiful people' - Maria
    'Last night’s dance was spectacular. Marie’s skill in knowing just the right music to weave into her playlists creates a magical vibe. The energy in the place was truly ecstatic and full of joy. It’s always a pleasure to be immersed in such a welcoming environment. If you’ve not yet tried it, give it a go - you won’t regret it! '- Em
    "It was so beautiful to be part of such a special day, thank you Marie for making it happen and to everyone who took part and brought their energy and trust to sharing space and healing in this way. Can't wait for many more dances together." - Lou
    "Fantastic session, so much energy and love!" - Marion
    "I just loved it to be honest! The space felt safe and happy & the room was filled with beautiful souls who were all experiencing their own journey into movement in a lovely & judgement free space! I don't think humans get enough exposure to environments where you can be seen but not measured in some way & it's so beneficial as well as nourishing for body, mind & soul." - Leanne
    "A magical couple of hours, gradually feeling more connected to the music, peaking in a lovely healing soul track which touched me deeply. I left feeling grounded and centred. Lovely accepting energy created in the room and I liked that vocal participation was completely voluntary….didn’t feel confident enough to share myself but enjoyed listening to others experience." - Jane
    'The Dance Sanctuary has transformed my life physically and spiritually and has given me a completely fresh mindset about how to manage my mental health.It’s a bit like being at rave or in a club, with a load of friendly smiley people, without alcohol or drugs, high on life on a Friday morning. A safe space to move my body free of judgement, absorb music and movement to heal my head and heart whilst having the best time full of fun, friendship and connection with others!' - Gayle
    I just want to say Thank You for such an amazing morning of dance love and self expression.It was my first time here on my own and didn’t know what to expect x but what a lovely space you hold. I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Thank you so so much, can’t wait for the next one! - Joanne

    Organised by

    Our mission & Intention:

    To bring people together through a shared love of music & dance to uplift, support and enrich lives. A Sanctuary away from stress & distraction where you can be yourself, take care of yourself and have fun!

    To help you move more freely on the dancefloor & in life through conscious movement/dance experiences that nurture wellbeing, connection, belonging, empowerment & freedom.
