LIVE 1:1 Personalised Guided Meditation with Professional Instruction

LIVE 1:1 Personalised Guided Meditation with Professional Instruction

Joining a weekly meditation practice is a great way to improve your overall well-being and live a more mindful life.

By Inner Healer

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About this event

Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or the constant demands of modern life? Do you find it challenging to stay focused and centered amidst the chaos?

If you're looking for a transformative and personalised experience that can bring peace and clarity to your mind, then a 1:1 meditation session may be thhe perfect thing for you.

Imagine having a skilled and compassionate meditation guide right at your fingertips, guiding you through a tailored meditation practice that suits your unique needs and goals. A personalized, live, online meditation session can be a game-changer for your mental and emotional well-being, and here's why:

👉🏽 Tailored to Your Needs: Unlike generic guided meditations, a personalized session is designed exclusively for you. Your meditation guide will take the time to understand your challenges, goals, and preferences, crafting a session that addresses your specific concerns and helps you unlock your full potential.

👉🏽 Convenient and Flexible: Life can get busy, and finding time to attend in-person classes might not always be feasible. With live, online meditation, you have the flexibility to choose a time that fits your schedule. Whether it's early morning, during lunch breaks, or before bedtime, you can find a time that works best for you.

👉🏽 Privacy and Comfort: Many people prefer the comfort and privacy of their own space when delving into meditation. With an online session, you can create a peaceful and familiar environment, allowing you to dive deeper into your practice without distractions.

👉🏽 Real-Time Guidance: The live aspect of the session means you have a dedicated meditation teacher who can offer real-time feedback, answer your questions, and provide personalized adjustments. This guidance ensures that you're on the right track and gaining the most from your meditation practice.

👉🏽 Enhanced Focus and Accountability: Knowing that you have a live session with a teacher creates a sense of accountability, motivating you to commit to the practice and experience its benefits more profoundly.

👉🏽 Deeper Insights: As you progress through your meditation journey, your guide can help you gain deeper insights into your thoughts and emotions, empowering you to overcome obstacles and cultivate a more mindful and compassionate approach to life.

👉🏽 Lasting Transformation: Meditation is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. With a personalized, live, online session, you're investing in your well-being and setting yourself on a path to lasting transformation.

Don't wait any longer to experience the profound benefits of meditation in a way that is tailored specifically to you.

Book a live, online meditation session now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, inner peace, and personal growth. Your mind and soul will thank you for it.

How to prepare:

Once you have registered, you will recieve an email from us, this will include:

- Reciept of your registration.

- How to confirm the date/time.

- Requests for personalisation (+ some helpful examples like, managing stress, focusing at work, healing the inner-critic etc.)

- How to prepare you space.

- And some prompts for anything you may want to ask or know prior to the session.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider joining a weekly meditation practice:

1. Consistency: By committing to a weekly practice, you are setting yourself up for success. Consistency is key when it comes to developing any habit, and meditation is no different.

2. Community: Meditating with a group can be a powerful experience. Not only will you be practicing with like-minded individuals who are also committed to their own personal growth, you'll also have the opportunity to connect and support one another.

3. Guided instruction: With guided instruction you'll have the opportunity to learn different techniques and styles of meditation that can help you find what works best for you.

4. Accountability: When you commit to a weekly practice, you're also holding yourself accountable. By making this commitment, you're telling yourself that your mental and emotional well-being is a priority. This can be incredibly empowering and can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

5. Self-care: Taking time for yourself each week to meditate is a form of self-care. It's an opportunity to slow down, tune out distractions, and focus on your own needs.

For more about us:


The zoom link will be sent in the whatsapp community just before each event.

We look forward to meeting you.

With Love.

Frequently asked questions

What time are the sessions?

After registering we will arrange a time and date for your session based on our calendar and your availability.

How do I join?

After registration is complete and the time and date are decided you will be sent a liink to join your personal session.

Organised by

Inner Healer is a platform, a method, a way of living, a community of people that want to master their own healing. Founded by Idit Nissenbaum and Jeni Louise, two spiritual entrepreneurs, meditation and yoga instructors, professional artist - combining art therapy, modern skills with ancient wisdom.

Jeni & Idit's focus is on healing in the 4 dimensions: physical, emotional, mental and energetic. They believe that everyone who is seeking healing should have access not only to the information, tools, techniques and practices, but to be able to be part of an evolving community of women, and humans, who are taking responsibility for their own healing and transformation, safely, powerfully and always with the roots of love.

From US$22.50