Live Webinar - "The Art of the Possible in Data Science", Tom Albone, ONS

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Live Webinar - "The Art of the Possible in Data Science", Tom Albone, ONS

We encourage everyone who is involved in making decisions in their day to day work to join us for this Data Science introductory session.

By Central Digital and Data Office @ Cabinet Office

Date and time

Starts on Thu, 15 Dec 2022 05:00 PST



About this event

About this event

The transformation of government is inevitable. To support building a Modern Civil Service and Transforming for a digital future: 2022 to 2025 roadmap, the Central Digital and Data Office (CDDO) is running Live Spotlight Webinars for Senior Civil Servants that are also open to all to attend. These webinars are aiming to create an awareness of Digital, Data, Technology and Innovation that is needed to deliver beyond the 2025.

We encourage everyone who is involved in making decisions in their day to day work to join us for this Data Science introductory session from the ONS Data Science Campus*. This live webinar will give a very brief overview of data science, what it is and why we are doing it and showcase the "Art of the Possible '' within pragmatics and ethics of using data. The presentation will give a very brief overview of data science, what it is and why we are doing it and demystify some of the more common Data Science terms. You will gain awareness of different tools and techniques utilised to draw insights from data and practical examples of using these from across the government. No prior knowledge of Data Science is needed for this session. You can also use the questions and answer time to find out how YOU can apply data science techniques in your organisation to add value.

*The Data Science Campus is at the heart of leading-edge data science capacity building with public sector bodies in the UK and abroad. We equip analysts with the latest tools and techniques, giving them the capability to perform effectively in their roles. We also work in partnership with organisations to ensure they have the capacity to develop their own data science skills in the long-term.

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