London HR and People Analytics Meetup

London HR and People Analytics Meetup

We're meeting again in July for a London HR and People Analytics meetup with an exciting line-up of HR and non-HR data speakers.

By 3n Strategy

Date and time

Tue, 2 Jul 2024 18:00 - 21:00 GMT+1


Fora - The Stanley Building

7 King's Boulevard London N1C 4AG United Kingdom

Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

    After a few years, the London People Analytics Meetups are back!

    On 2 July we are excited to bring the community back together to hear people analytics stories, share food and drink, and to inspire new ideas and new connections, at our new meetup home near Kings Cross.

    We are delighted that our first confirmed speaker will be people analytics guru and rockstar, Keith McNulty (Global Leader, Analytics and Technology @ McKinsey), as he addresss the community for a third time. On this occasion, Keith will be talking about the Applications and the Non-Applications of AI in HR. We are very excited.

    As always, we will build in a lot of time for networking and catching up (it has been 2 years since we've met in person!), over pizza and drink.

    We can't wait to see you all again.


    To keep up to date with events and other announcements, please sign up to the meetup mailing list here for alerts.

    Not been to an HR and People Analytics meetup before?

    As always our aim to bring together a community of HR and non-HR data enthusiasts in order to share stories and experiences from the HR and People Analytics industry. We have four guide lines for the sessions:

    1. This is NOT a conference, so don’t treat it like one! It won't replace the need to do formal networking, and you shouldn't expect it to.
    2. There is no wrong question OR answer – today is not about shiny presentations and success stories. Ask any question you want (about analytics).
    3. Innovation comes from people talking – Please talk to as many people as you can. Whoever you are, the more people who speak to each other, the more likely we will find ways to drive innovation in the HR/people analytics space.

    Organised by

    3n Strategy works with organisations to accelerate their adoption of evidence-based people-decision making. 

    £8 – £9.38