Mending the Nets: Coworking for People & Projects in Progress

Mending the Nets: Coworking for People & Projects in Progress

A calm creative space to think, reflect and do your best work. Facilitated by life coach & actor Emma Dewhurst (Weekly, Thurs. 10-12 noon)

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Starts on Thu, 26 Sep 2024 02:00 PDT



About this event

Make Thursday morning your favourite morning of the week!

'When fishermen can't go to sea, they mend their nets...'

'Mending the Nets' is an online coworking space to help you focus, work and think better, in community with others. It gives you permission to 'mend your nets' - whatever that means to you!

The space is ideal for those who work from home; solopreneurs; creative freelancers; artists of all disciplines etc. Everyone is welcome.

There can be great pressure to be out there and be seen to be 'doing' in this world. But we can't always be fishing. Life dictates that we slow down sometimes and find a moment to focus on what is important to us. Mending the Nets offers you that moment on a weekly basis.

This 'net-mending' space is offered as a reflective place where you can be thinking or working alone but in community with others, strengthened by the knowledge that there are others in the room with you. Think 'creative coworking'!

It was my husband Simon who inspired me to make Mending the Nets. Sometime in October 2022 I was expressing my frustration at not being able to work in my usual busy way due to a challenging life situation and he said: Well, you can't always be fishing, but you can be mending your nets! (a version of the Irish proverb above).

A light bulb went on for me and this space was born.


  • 3 timed blocks of dedicated 'focus time'
  • Focused space to slow down, breathe, focus and do your best work
  • Time to do the stuff you've been putting off all week - beat procrastination!
  • Creative space to think, write, paint or draw
  • Ideal planning time
  • A small, supportive community with no pressure to be on show
  • Time to 'mend your nets' - whatever that means to you


  • The space will be held open for two hours each week (Thursdays 10am-12 noon GMT)
  • Participants are asked to join the space on time, so as not to disturb fellow net-menders
  • I will introduce the space and explain how our time together will work
  • There will be a short guided moment to focus using the breath
  • There will be three quiet blocks of time of 30 minutes each for focused thinking and work, with a 5 minute break in between.
  • I will keep time for you so that you don't have to worry about time and can stay in your flow.
  • At the end of our thinking/working time there are 10 minutes for reflection where participants can share anything they wish to about their experience of the process. Equally, there is no pressure to share.
  • You can come to connect and work together in community, safe in the knowledge that there is no pressure on you to be seen: you can have your camera on or off as it suits you during the two hours; it's up to you.
  • I am on hand during the two hours to assist you if your focus wavers with a prompt or coaching question - just ask in the chat.

Even when times are tough and you are struggling to be in the world with your usual vitality, you can be doing something that helps you to go forwards: you can be mending your nets!


Working from home it gives me human contact each week. I feel part of the team and it helps to give me the motivation to tackle difficult tasks on my To Do list. (Liz G.)

It is the day of the week I most look forward to. It is my anchor, a hugely important focus time when I can shut out the background clatter of anxiety and allow myself time to concentrate on the things that keep getting pushed to one side. (Mary J.)

Emma has a way of making everyone feel welcome, heard, valued, supported, nourished and replenished. Her nurturing way of structuring the space so there is reflection time, with input from her, is beautiful. (E.J.)

I love the feeling of sharing a space quietly together and feel it has helped me achieve far more than I would have alone and in a far more enjoyable and nourishing way. (Laura W.)


Emma Dewhurst is a tranformational life coach who trained with Animas Centre for Coaching. She is a professional actress with a long and varied career in theatre, TV and film. She is also the former founder and editor of the award-winning WOW Kent magazine (2010-2016).

Emma's coaching style is non-judgemental, intuitive and empathetic. Her coaching ntention is always to hold a space where others can think their best thoughts.

This is also her intention for 'Mending the Nets' - she hopes to offer a magical space where participants can find their own focus and thinking made better by the presence of others.

Emma Dew Coaching: If you are going through a life change and would like to work with a life coach who has experienced first-hand the power and possibility of personal and professional change, I offer a free, 60 minute coaching discovery call .

Or connect via LinkedIn

Photo of Emma: BethRoo Photography

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