Moths to a Flame

Moths to a Flame

Join Chloe Uden from The Art and Energy Collective in this session to make your own milk bottle moth and find out more about the project.

By South West STEM Fest



About this event

Moths to a Flame – A Mass-participation art installation

Get creative in response to the climate emergency

Help us make 20,000 moths and record messages for the Moths to a Flame installation at COP26!

Moths to a Flame

Live Session: 22nd June from 11.00am-12.00pm

Intended for: KS2 & KS3

Curriculum Links: Science/Environment/Art

Delivered: Live session delivered via Zoom

Description: Join Chloe Uden, Artistic Director from The Art and Energy Collective and Tess Walsh, student and member of Exeter’s Fridays for the Future movement in this hands on creative session to find out more about the affects of climate change in the South West of England and what young people can do about it. Sign up to this session to make your own milk bottle moth for the magnificent art installation at Glasgow’s Botanic gardens for COP26 in November later this year.

What is Moths to a Flame? It's a collaborative, mass participation art and energy project. We want to take your voice on the climate emergency to World Leaders gathering at COP 26 in November 2021 in Glasgow - the international climate conference. We are gathering together thousands of digital and hand-made moths created by the people of Plymouth and the wider South West, to travel to Glasgow to be displayed at the Botanic Gardens during the conference. The interactive installation will also feature the recordings of voices captured in Plymouth, talking about hopes and ideas for a better future

Teachers Note: You will need the following materials:

  • A plastic milk bottle (rinsed well and dried. More about milk bottles here)
  • A pair of scissors
  • A marker pen


  • A printed template sheet (download here, the page 2 has simpler moths to cut depending on ability)
  • A UV marker pen and torch


Additional Info

Who are Art and Energy?

The Art and Energy Collective is a group of artists, makers, technologists, academics and others who collaborate, share learning and forward the aesthetics of energy generation technology. We develop artistic responses to the climate emergency to help people engage creatively with the huge changes we experience with our energy system. Our projects help participants and audiences feel excited and connected with energy, help them learn new skills, spend time thinking about energy and sharing great ideas for their communities


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The STEM Ambassador Hub West England and South West Peninsula Hub is collaborating with STEM partners across the South West of England to deliver a celebration of STEM in the region – the South West STEM Fest - running from the 7th – 25th June 2021. The South West STEM Fest is a chance for all of our STEM partners, schools, community and family groups to join us in celebrating STEM across the South West through a series of live and pre-recorded events, talks, workshops and careers panel events.

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