Peer review tools for your students (Moodle, Aropä, Peerwise)

Peer review tools for your students (Moodle, Aropä, Peerwise)

By Academic and Digital Development

Date and time

Wed, 20 Mar 2019 12:00 - 14:00 GMT


LEADS Teaching Room

Southpark House 64 Southpark Avenue Glasgow G12 8LB United Kingdom


This session in the Continuing Professional Development series for staff at the University of Glasgow will address the topic of peer assessment and will attempt to answer the following questions: What is peer assessment? What can it be used for? Can it be used summatively or just formatively? In terms of enabling technologies, the session will introduce participants to Aropä, PeerWise and Moodle Workshop for peer assessment, and we will encourage staff to consider how they might use these tools in pedagogically effective ways to promote students’ active learning and collaboration.Although the session will mainly draw on examples from Life Sciences, examples of peer assessment in other disciplines will be highlighted. Therefore, the workshop will be applicable to staff from any college looking to introduce peer assessment in their courses.

I'm from Social Sciences, and I'd come because: I think my students could learn a lot about developing their own writing by comparing it with submissions from their peers.I'm from Science & Engineering, and I'd come because: writing and answering each other's multiple choice questions will be great for gearing them up for the type of thinking they'll need to do in the exam.

Tea and coffee will be provided.

Speaker: Dr Amanda Sykes, Dr Vicki Dale and Dr Mary McVey

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