Positive Psychology Workshop Series

Positive Psychology Workshop Series

By Serena Simmons: Chartered Psychologist at The Psychology School

Date and time

Thu, 30 Jan 2020 18:30 - 21:00 GMT


Cobden Chambers

Unit 1C Pelham Street Nottingham NG1 2ED United Kingdom

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I'm very excited to be bringing to you this first series of classes being held at The Psychology School in Cobden Chambers in Nottingham.

This first series will tackle 4 key areas that are known to hold people back in their daily life or business. These classes, all based on Postive Psychology, are small and interactive classes allowing you to ask questions as you go, so you leave with a deepened understanding of how you can begin to make changes in your life or business straight away. You may even make some like-minded friends along the way.

You can book on a class individually, or there is a discount for those that wish to book the entire series (see ticket info below).

CLASS 1: How to feel CALM

In this class we will explore how you can harness a feeling of calm in your day-to-day life or business.

We will look at what your brain does when it stuggles to maintain a sense of calm, what triggers you and how to deal with these triggers as well as strategies to help find a sense of peace and groundedness. You will leave with a better understanding of why your brain often goes into a flight mode (not like your phone!), and we will spend time addressing what you can specifically do to help alleivate those feelings when they occur.

[WHEN: Thursday 30th January- 6.30 - 9pm]


Self-sabbotage stops us from doing what we really want in our life. It stops us asking for what we really want in our relationships or at work, it stops us applying for that promotion, starting that business, going to the gym or writing that book...you fill in the blank. The reasons why we do this however are more complex than it may seem on face value.

In this workshop, I will take you on a journey of self-discovery as I help you to figure out what is stopping you and how can start to break this down and essentailly break through!

[WHEN: Thursday 6th February, 6.30 - 9pm]

CLASS 3: How to feel more MOTIVATED

I hear this all the time...'I wish I had the motivation to...' What is it for you?

In this workshop I will address the fascinating area of motivation. We will look at what is actually stopping you from harnessing your own bank of motivation and what you can do to essentilly shift the balance. By the time you leave you should have a better understading of what's been hindering you from feeling motivated and you will leave with a set of strategies to overcome it.

[WHEN: Thursday 13th February 6.30 - 9pm]


Why do we procrastinate, especaially when we really want to do something? What do you procrastinate about? Is it going to the gym, leaving your job or a bad relationship or is it just a myriad of mundane activties and to-dos that pile up?

In this session we will break down the psycholigical underpinings of procrastination.

I'll give you an insight into what happens to your brain (did you know that constant procrastination impacts brain function over time?), and more importantly give you some strageies to overcome it in your own life. It's not all pretty, but it will definitely make a BIG difference in your life....if you can be bothered to come ; )

[WHEN: Thursday 20th February 6.30 - 9pm]

Organised by

Serena Simmons: Chartered Teaching Psychologist with over 25 years expereince working in the field of psychology.  

Serena has worked in practice for many years in both the community, mental health instititions and for the last 14 years has worked as a Senior Psychology Lecturer in a local University.

She now has the pleasure and experience of running her own psychology consultancy, The Psychology School.  Here she gets to teach, educate and help others make big positve changes in their own life, by understanding their own psychology.  https://thepsychologyschool.co

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