Reclaim your Sovereignty- Monthly Breathing Journeys

Reclaim your Sovereignty- Monthly Breathing Journeys

Breathing Circle -Reclaim your Sovereignty

By Shani Ben-Aroya

Select date and time

Wed, 10 Jul 2024 11:00 - 12:30 PDT



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
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About this event

    We come into this world and take our first breath. We leave this world and take our last breath. And in between, we forget to breathe.

    True story. So many of us are holding onto our breath. Forgetting to deeply connect to the most beautiful and profound tool we have in our cosmic kit! And guess what... once we learn how use it properly, it's totally FREE!

    The simple and profound practice of actively using conscious connected breathing to fill yourself with oxygen and move stuck energy out of your body feels like the most beautiful meditation, a trip across the universe, defying time and space and the biggest crying fest you've ever had and the most blissful sleep at the end!

    Breath brings new life, always.

    You are a SOVEREIGN being!

    Years of conditioning, programming and living your life on other people's terms means that so many of us don't know who we truly are. We conform to fit in. To feel validated. But now, more than ever it is the time to RECLAIM your TRUTH and find your own personal power to hold your boundaries in a world that is stripping you of all your freedoms. Mastering the breath will give you the gift of being able to step back into your own mastery, your own power and reclaim your truth.

    How does the session work?

    This online guided breathwork uses the power of conscious connected breathing to work on unpeeling the layers of limiting beliefs, traumas and memories that have been keeping you in fear and stopping you from remembering who you truly are!

    In this workshop, I will share with you about the transformational power of Rebirthing Breathwork and the concepts it is based on. (You might want to bring your journal and pen!) We will then go through an energy cycle in which you will experience the alchemy of breathwork in releasing deep subconscious stored energy or emotions to bring you closer to your divine state of being.

    Through the power of using the breath in a connected circular way, that is, without pausing between the inhale and exhale, a flow of energy is created in the body. This energy flow allows for the release of stuck or stagnant negative emotions which have remained stored in the cellular memory of the body. This deep journey brings you to a deep state of bliss, clarity and understanding about yourself or specific issues you are facing.

    It is an ongoing transformative journey, which helps you master your mind, body and soul, allowing you to achieve a state of bliss and SOVEREIGNTY in your daily life.

    I will be able to offer 1:1 integration sessions online following the community event should you feel you need ongoing support or guidance.

    How do the circles work?

    For now these are live on Zoom

    We'll begin in circle, claiming our intentions for our practice.

    I will share with you about Rebirthing breathwork and what it can offer you.

    Then you'll get comfy on your mats to begin a 50-minute breathwork journey, guided by me through your practice.

    The whole workshop is about 2 hours.

    You’ll use the fullness and healing power of each breath to feel your intentions, move through your limitations, nourish your nervous system, and deeply connect with your own energy and wisdom.

    Our group size will be limited so you can receive individual support and guidance.

    We’ll close in circle, with plenty of time for sharing and integration.

    How does the circle benefit me?

    No previous experience is required, just a willingness to explore the process.

    While the breathing practice is different for everyone and each journey is unique, some benefits and experiences may include:

    Emotional release and healing

    Letting go of old stories, trauma, energy and experiences that no longer serve you

    A deeper connection to Self and Spirit

    Tapping into to your intuition and strength

    Reduced stress and anxiety

    Improved sleep and ability to relax/rest

    Feeling lighter, clearer and more joyful

    What do I need to bring?

    A blanket or two (you can experience a change in body temperature)

    A yoga mat

    Comfy clothing

    Journal and pen for the end

    How much does it cost? 

    Each breathing circle is £44.44

    For more information or questions- send me an email:

    Organised by


    I am so glad you landed here. I know that it is not a coincidence and we were meant to weave our paths together.

    Whether you sit with me in a women's circle, journey with me through a Breathwork Session or attend one of my events, workshops or ceremonies, know that you are welcome, safe and honoured.

    I can't wait to journey with you!

    In truth and breath,

    Shani x