Remote Sensing for UK Farmers and Tree Planting Projects

Remote Sensing for UK Farmers and Tree Planting Projects

Learn how to use remote sensing technology for more effective tree planting projects in this online event!

By Hexis Plus® Training

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Review failures in tree planting and carbon sequestration projects

Understand what remote sensing can do for farms and tree planting projects

How to get sensing for your tree planting project for free

About this event

    Remote Sensing for Crop-based Farms and Agroforestry

    Hey there! Welcome to our online event focused on using remote sensing technology for tree planting projects. Join Hexis Plus Farming (a member of the NFU) for a deep dive into how satellite imagery can revolutionize the way we approach reforestation efforts. Learn from experts in the field and discover the latest tools and techniques for monitoring and managing tree planting initiatives from afar. Whether you're a seasoned tree planting project manager, farmer or someone wanting to start a tree planting project with remote sensing support, this event is perfect for you. Look at how the remote sensing could have worked to save over 34,500 trees lost by the national trust and how it could work for your project. Get access to our tree planting framework and see if you can improve your stewardship. Let's protect and grow trees together.

    Frequently asked questions

    Who are Hexis Plus Farming

    Hexis Plus (H+) is a research and development company funding H+ farming which consists of scientists and growing experts who, between us, have years of experience using satellite and on the ground sensors to measure biodiversity and water levels to ensure that plants and trees grow effectively.

    Organised by

    Hexis Plus® Training is a system run by Hexis Plus® to train and grow companies. It has been in development for 4 years and through testing in real companies for 2 years. we are now happy to share our amazing tech and training with the wonderful people of the UK.
