Resolution: Complaints Handling Workshop

Resolution: Complaints Handling Workshop

In this workshop, elevate your customer service game turning complaints into opportunities for mutual satisfaction and growth.

By TownSq Caerphilly Business Support

Date and time

Friday, September 6 · 2 - 3:30am PDT



About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

Ready to find out how to handle customer complaints more effectively, leading to a win-win for everyone? Elevate your customer service game in this workshop, turning complaints into opportunities for mutual satisfaction and growth.

We understand that addressing complaints promptly and effectively not only resolves issues but also enhances customer loyalty and trust. Our proven strategies will empower you to transform negative experiences into positive outcomes, strengthening relationships with your customers.

Join us to learn how handling complaints with professionalism and empathy can significantly impact your business's success. Come and master the art of complaint resolution and take your customer service to the next level.

Yn y gweithdy hwn, uwch-gyflogwch eich gem gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid gan droi cwynion yn gyfleoedd ar gyfer boddhad cyfatebol a thwf.

Ydych chi'n barod i ddarganfod sut i ymdrin â chwynion cwsmeriaid yn fwy effeithiol, gan arwain at fudd-win i bawb? Uwch-gyflogwch eich gem gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid yn y gweithdy hwn, gan droi cwynion yn gyfleoedd ar gyfer boddhad cyfatebol a thwf.

Rydym yn deall bod ymateb i gwynion yn gyflym ac yn effeithiol nid yn unig yn datrys problemau ond hefyd yn cynyddu teyrngarwch a dibyniaeth cwsmeriaid. Bydd ein strategaethau profedig yn eich grymuso i drawsnewid profiadau negyddol yn ganlyniadau cadarnhaol, gan gryfhau perthnasau gyda'ch cwsmeriaid.

Ymunwch â ni i ddysgu sut y gall ymdrin â chwynion gyda phroffesiynoldeb ac empathi effeithio'n sylweddol ar lwyddiant eich busnes. Dewch i feistroli'r celf o ddatrys cwynion a mynd â'ch gwasanaeth cwsmeriaid i'r lefel nesaf.