Somerset Wellbeing Framework - Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (1 day)

Somerset Wellbeing Framework - Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (1 day)

By Somerset Public Health Training

Date and time

Thu, 16 May 2019 09:00 - 16:00 GMT+1


The Conference Centre

Frogmary Green Farm West Street South Petherton TA13 5DJ United Kingdom


Youth MHFA provides teachers and frontlilne professionals with the skills and confidence to spot common signs and triggers of mental health issues, as well as the knowledge and confidence to help. Through a mix of presentations, discussions and activities, the course provides staff with a good understanding of mental health including topics such as depression, anxiety, suicide and psychosis. The training will build confidence in being able to:

  • intervene to prevent the emotional or mental health issue developing into a more serious state
  • Provide comfort to a young person experiencing a mental health issue
  • Empower a young person to access appropriate professional help
  • Promote the recovery of good mental health
  • Raise awareness of mental health issues in the school community
  • Reduce stigma and discrimination

Within each section there is clear focus on the issues faced by young people today, including bullying/cyber bullying and substance misuse. The one day Youth MHFA course has been designed specifically with schools and colleges and is being offered as part of the Somerset Wellbeing Framework . It is recommended that schools send a member of their Wellbeing Action Group or Mental Health Champion to take part in this training.

Trainer - Belinda Heaven

Please note: there is one place per school setting.

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