Starting Solids - weaning - for Newham families

Starting Solids - weaning - for Newham families

Starting Solids. Fun 2 hour weaning workshop for Newham parents with babies 4-6 months.

By Newham Baby Feeding (Newham Children's Health)



About this event

    Healthy, happy little eaters!

    When, how and why? Book your workshop for when your baby is around 4 - 6 months - before weaning starts so you can get ready!

    Come along to this free and friendly workshop all about helping you and your baby, as baby starts exploring solid foods. Milk is all that most babies need until they are around 6 months, then a gentle introduction to varied nutritious family foods is best.

    We will talk about getting started with weaning your little one, including baby led weaning, safety, which foods to start with, equipment and more. Introducing solids is an exciting new stage for your little, the start of a life long love of healthy tasty food :)

    Frequently asked questions

    My baby is over 6 months, should I book?

    The workshop is aimed for parents *before* they start weaning.

    Can my partner join as well?

    Yes! please do share a screen, and invite your mum / grand parents too :)

    Where can I get 1-1 support with feeding my baby?

    Newham Baby Feeding Helpline is where you'll meet your skilled and friendly Newham Baby Feeding Team: 07534249611 - for any questions large or small :)

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