Sufi Meditation with Yoga

Meditation is a form of mental concentration that can be used for relaxation, well being and self-discovery. Muraqba is Sufi Meditation.

By Azeemia Foundation UK


34 Golden Way

34 Golden Way Urmston M41 0NA United Kingdom


11:00 AM - 11:05 AM


11:05 AM - 11:20 AM

Benefits and How to Perform

11:20 AM - 11:25 AM

Breathing Exercise and Chanting

11:25 AM - 11:50 AM

Meditation with Yoga

11:50 AM - 12:00 PM


About this event

Meditation is any form of mental concentration that calms, quietens and focuses the mind. It can be used for relaxation, health improvement, self-discovery, enhancement of creativity and mental abilities amongst many other things. Muraqba is Sufi Meditation. It is meditation and much more. It involves focusing the mind on a single point after taking the mind away from everything else. In essence, Muraqba is to become thoughtless in a single thought.

Mental Focus

Mental focus is imperative in all fields of study, whether academic or spiritual. By focusing the mind the scattered forces that exist in the depths of the mind converge and then surface. Until the desire, enthusiasm and curiosity about a subject is not created within a person, one is unable to fully focus on it and learn about it. Mental focus is the basis of all learning and acquisition of new skills. This applies to the awakening of spiritual abilities too. Unless someone tries to focus on his Inner Self (Soul), his spiritual abilities would never emerge.

The meaning of Muraqba also includes Contemplation, which means to explore with all mental capabilities the numerous signs scattered all over the universe. Through the practice of Muraqba a person is able to gain that knowledge which is the primordial knowledge of his Soul. After gaining that knowledge, he can gain access to his Soul.

The reason why so many abilities of the Soul and its unlimited force remain inactive is because the power of mental focus is hardly ever used to activate the mystic capabilities that exist within each of us. Mystics throughout the ages have maintained that if we focus on our inner spiritual self, we would be able to explore the power and potential of our Soul. Through the practice of Muraqba a person can begin his spiritual journey and become acquainted with the unseen realms.

The Inner Senses

In order to understand how this is possible it is important to firstly understand that we are composed of two parts, the Outer Senses and the Inner Senses. The Outer Senses are confined in Time and Space. The Inner Senses are free from the confines of Time and Space. It is through the Inner Senses that one can observe the unseen realms of whatever is beyond this physical world.

Muraqba is the most effective method of activating and entering the Inner Senses. It is a method in which one enters the Inner Senses whilst being fully awake. This is achieved when a person diverts all his mental attention on a given focal point and becomes so deeply engrossed in it that all other thoughts eventually disappear, leaving nothing on the mind except the point of focus. As one’s mental focus increases and attains further depth he eventually enters the Inner Senses and breaks free from the hold of Time and Space, enabling him to enter the invisible world.

Through Muraqba a person can begin his spiritual journey and become acquainted with the realities of the Universe. He can explore those forces that are beyond the scope of his physical (outer) senses and finally achieve cognition of the ultimate reality.

The Benefits of Muraqba

Spiritually, mentally and physically there are numerous advantages of practicing Muraqba. First and foremost it improves concentration, immunity, memory, and controls our negative thoughts and emotions thereby giving us a feeling of serenity and tranquillity. Overall we are able to perform better in our daily tasks.

After success in Muraqba a person is set free from fear and negative thoughts. Experience and observations have shown that some of the spiritual, physical and mental benefits that are achieved by practicing Muraqba are:

Health Benefits

• Control of blood pressure

• Increase in life expectancy

• Improvement in eyesight and hearing

• Reduction of fat in blood

• Increase of red blood corpuscles

• Improvement in the performance of heart

• Increased immunity

• End of Insomnia and better sleep

Psychological and Mental Benefits

• Peace of mind

• Increased happiness

• Enhanced creativity

• Improved memory

• Better decision making

• End of depression

• Less irritability

• Reduction of stress and anxiety

• End of fear

• End of doubt

• End of animosity and jealousy

Spiritual Benefits

• The dormant spiritual abilities are activated and one begins his journey into the unseen realms

• Spiritual knowledge is gained

• One gets closer to the Creator

• One starts to witness true dreams

• Increase in wisdom

• One takes pleasure in serving other people irrespective of race, religion and colour

• He wishes well for everyone and forgives easily

• Humbleness and tolerance become one’s second nature

• Dreams becoming true

Practising Muraqba

There are various types of Muraqba that are practiced within the Azeemia Sufi Order at different stages of spiritual progress. Muraqba of blue lights is usually recommended as a starting point and can be practiced by anyone.

Please get in touch with one of our Muraqba Halls should you wish to receive further information or instructions in relation to the practice of Muraqba.


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