The Business Room - Wellingborough

The Business Room - Wellingborough

If you are looking for profitable, professional, and practical networking, take a seat in The Business Room.

By Your Business Matters - Barbara Hodgson


The Stanwick Hotel

West Street Stanwick NN9 6QY United Kingdom

About this event

The Business Room is proudly different, providing a time-efficient and cost-effective way to build your contacts and collaborators and access new opportunities.

These are focused, connection meetings where we give you information prior to the meeting so you are able to prepare and other attendees have an understanding of what help you need.

Our members represent one business area only. So expect a warm and friendly approach and a professional and well-organised meeting. Leave with new contacts, business possibilities, and knowledge at every meeting.

The Business Room is a paid event (the visitor fee is £30). When you select a free ticket at checkout, Barbara will be in touch to advise if your slot is available. If available, Barbara will then provide a link to make a direct payment to confirm your booking. Alternatively, you can request your place through our visitor portal (copy link into a new browser):

The ticket price includes a seated one-course lunch and tea/coffee.

Organised by

It’s the unique combination of corporate experience, entrepreneurial flair, a deep interest in people and natural skill at spotting potential collaborations that have given Barbara a successful career in business development and networking.

If you appreciate that the best relationships take time to develop, if you want to learn from like-minded business people, collaborate with strategic partners and develop long-term business relationships with people just like you, Your Business Matters is the right place for you.