The Career Confidence Series with Quiet the Hive

The Career Confidence Series with Quiet the Hive

The Career Confidence Programme is for those who feel stuck at work, who know that they have potential, but don’t know how to confidently ta

By HPMA Academy London



About this event


    The Career Confidence Programme is part of our series on developing your presence and impact. It’s for HR and OD professionals in our HPMA London Academy member organisation who feel stuck at work, and who know that they have potential but don’t know how to tap into it.

    These are interactive sessions, feel free to come to one or all.

    You might be in, or ready for, a leadership role but need a little more self-belief to enable you to fly. You may be looking to take a step up or new direction, but self-doubt is holding you back. Or, for you, it might be about making the most of the role you’re in. You know, deep down, you are capable of totally rocking your role, but that little voice inside can hold you back from unlocking and reaching your potential.

    If you can answer ‘yes’ for these questions, Career Confidence might be for you.

    • Do you feel like you consistently fail to advocate for yourself at your work?
    • Do you struggle to get your voice into the room?
    • Are you your own worst enemy when it comes to procrastination?
    • Are you constantly doing battle with the little voice in your head that says you don’t deserve this role, promotion, or a pay rise?
    • Do you have the potential, but just don’t know how to harness it?
    • Are you struggling to find your leadership groove?

    To get the most from the programme, you are invited to attend the whole series. Whilst each session is accessible as a stand-alone session, the flow of the series can be beneficial.


    There is no pre-work for any of the sessions, but you are invited to attend with an open mind, a sense of adventure and something to jot down your thoughts with. Slides and an accompanying workbook (including ideas for further resources) are available for all sessions to keep your development going even after the session.

    Title: Communicating with Confidence (Career Confidence with Quiet the Hive Series)

    Date: June 17th 2024

    Summary: Shift from struggling to get your voice in the room, to communicating with confidence

    Learning outcomes: Strategies for getting your voice in the room, start to notice

    Title: Creating, setting and keeping your boundaries (Career Confidence with Quiet the Hive Series)

    Date: July 1st 2024

    Summary: Learn about the importance of creating and keeping boundaries, and moving from a blurry work life balance, to creating harmony

    Learning outcomes: Feel more confident about your boundaries, what you want them to look like and the steps to take to honour them for yourself

    Title: Bringing Your Authentic Self to your Role (Career Confidence with Quiet the Hive Series)

    Date: Oct 8th 2024

    Summary: Learn how to trust yourself, and bring your real you to work in a way that feels good for you and those you work alongside

    Learning outcomes: Understanding why authenticity in the workplace is important, explore your why, your values and your goals for work and how they can help your find and be your authentic self at work.

    Title: Beating Procrastination (Career Confidence with Quiet the Hive Series)

    Date: November 7th 2024

    Summary: This module is for all of us who resort to sorting a sock drawer when there’s something important to get done!

    Learning outcomes: Understand what procrastination is and why we do it, find out about the four reasons for procrastinating and learn 12 techniques for moving past procrastination that you can implement straight away

    Title: Moving Past Imposter Syndrome & The Inner Critic (Career Confidence with Quiet the Hive Series)

    Date: January 14th 2025

    Summary: Learn about what imposter syndrome is, and how understanding more about your inner critic can help you to manage it

    Learning outcomes: Understand more about imposter syndrome, what it is and isn’t, and the inner critic, why it exists and some techniques for moving past both

    Title: Owning and Celebrating Your Achievements (Career Confidence with Quiet the Hive Series)

    Date: Feb 12th 2025

    Summary: Stop underselling yourself and start celebrating with confidence

    Learning outcomes: Understand why it’s important to be able to share your successes, how to do it without feeling uncomfortable and how it can support others too

    There is no pre-work for any of the sessions, but you are invited to attend with an open mind, a sense of adventure and something to jot down your thoughts with. Slides and an accompanying workbook (including ideas for further resources) are available for all sessions to keep your development going even after the session.


    Jane is Founder and Director of Quiet the Hive, working to help women identify a life they love and arm them with the toolkit and confidence to go get it.

    Through her work as an award winning coach, speaker and facilitator, she helps women to play bigger, make brave choices and step into their potential so that they live a life they love with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

    Jane is a lover of costume jewellery, a recovering runner, thinks that chocolate and peanut butter absolutely go together, a stationery addict and would always rather be by the sea (preferably bobbing). She is a Mum to two hilarious boys and lives near a wood in Surrey.





    Date: Please book onto each session you would like to attend

    Time: All sessions open at 11.50 for a prompt 12.00 start - 13.00 close

    Location: Online

    By booking on this event, you are indicating that have read and agree to our event booking terms and conditions.

    Please note the cancellation fee will apply of £100. We required 5 working days notice to cancel your place on an event. These events are in demand and to not fill them due to late cancellations is a waste of resource, please let us know in good time if your plans change.

    Attending our workshop will enroll you to the HPMA London Academy mailing list and please be aware we make take photos to advertise our programme. If you do not wish to be added to the list or, to have your image used, please contact

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