The Sikhi Enlightenment Course (Bristol)

Use the Divine Message of the Sikh Gurus as a framework for your spiritual journey to meet God and as support in your day-to-day life!

By S.H.A.R.E Charity UK (Sikh History and Religious Education)

Date and time

Sat, 13 Jul 2024 09:30 - 16:00 GMT+1


Gurdwara Guru Nanak Prakash Singh Sabha

75 Fishponds Road #71 Eastville BS5 6SF United Kingdom

About this event

  • Some FAQs related to the course:
  • Is this course for me ?
  • The Sikh Enlightenment Course is ideal for anyone who has a very basic understanding of Sikhi, to those who are on the journey already. It is designed for anyone who needs clear and simple advice on how to take their next steps. If you are looking to delve deeper into your spiritual Sikhi life then this course is for you!
  • The course is a professionally run, one day course that will be delivered by speakers with over 20 years of experience in running camps and delivering talks across the world. This is a NON-PROFIT event and all fees collected will contribute towards the cost of running the course.
  • What will I learn ?
      • Learn about why you are so special
      • Get deep insights into the beautiful message of the Gurus
      • Maximise your life and your potential
      • Develop a healthy and positive outlook
      • Live your life in this fast-paced world
      • Take charge of your health and well being
      • Please note that we are updating the course so the content will be different from courses delivered previously.
  • Are there any age restrictions ?
  • The course is suitable for adults. Those over the age of 16 can come if they have an interest is Sikh spirituality
  • How will the course be run?
  • The course will be hosted in a professional way with appropriate audio and visuals. The course is developed with resources that delegates can take away for their personal development. We deliver our courses in auditoriums, halls, and conference venues. Where we choose to use a Gurdwara, it will be in one of the learning areas on chairs and tables.
  • What is the cost of the course?
  • Share Charity is a not-for-profit organisation and we operate from the kind donations from the Sikh community and others who appreciate the work being done. The course is being run in the same selfless spirit and the charges will cover the venue, lunch and delegate pack costs. The course will be free since members of the Sikh community in Bristol very kindly subsidised the cost by donating.
  • Will there be any practical learning too?
  • Yes, there will be interactive and breakout sessions to help get a better understanding of the course content. The aim of the course is to provide detailed descriptions of Sikhi areas, but to allow for delegates to get a consolidated understanding of the content that can be applied to real world situations.
  • Has this course been delivered before?
  • Yes, we have been delivering the course for some years now in various cities in England, such as Slough, Leeds, Coventry, Ilford and Leicester. We have also delivered the whole course in English (and Punjabi) in Belgium, Spain, Holland and also in Punjab in 2023. The course was also delivered to Sikh prisoners in a UK jail, which gave them certification for their spiritual and emotional development. Finally, we have also delivered the course to the UK Army as part of their Sikhi learning week.
  • Is there any more about the course or some testimonials?
  • Please view the intro video here:
  • See some testimonials here from the previous course:

    What does SHARE Charity do ?

    This course will be run by SHARE (Sikh History and Religious Education) Charity UK. The Charity has been at the forefront of spreading the Sikh message across the world with various initiatives including mobile apps such as SikhiToTheMax, infographics, books and media. You can see more about what the charity does by visiting the sites below.

    Get the new SikhiToTheMax Gurbani Search App by Share Charity. Learn more about the new update:

Get your copy of Why Am I Here! Also check out the new Why Am I Here For Kids book which is releasing soon!

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