These Are Our Neighbours

These Are Our Neighbours

A two day gathering with skills workshops, stories of solidarity and collaboration sessions at The Pyramid in Anderston.

By Tripod

Date and time

Sat, 29 Jun 2024 10:00 - Sun, 30 Jun 2024 19:00 GMT+1


The Pyramid at Anderston

759 Argyle Street Glasgow G3 8DS United Kingdom


Saturday 29th
Sunday 30th

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Arrival / get a cuppa!

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Migrant Justice & Disability Justice Workshop

11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Anti-Raids Organising Day

Have you been involved in anti-raids organising or would like to take action? Join this gathering of anti-raids organisers from Glasgow, Edinburgh and Aberdeen to learn from the past weeks of resista...

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Workshop - Solidarity Knows No Borders: Building Movement Power Narratives

Mallika Balakrishnan, Migrants Organise

As organisers and campaigners working for a world where every person—regardless of immigration status—can live in dignity, justice and abundance, we know that it is crucial to collaborate across vari...

4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Together We Rise


Join in with organisers across the migrant justice movement to hear what's currently happening, how to get involved and strategise for what's around the corner. "Solidarity is subversive." - Emma Dab...

6:30 PM

Shared Dinner

All welcome to have a meal with us, connect with organisers, activists and friends

About this event

  • 1 day 9 hours

On the weekend of 29-30 June, you’re invited to These Are Our Neighbours.

In these troubled times of increasing immigration raids and polarisation, coming together to build collective power and care is key. Meet your ‘neighbours’ from across different groups and movements, share experiences and plan for the time ahead.

How do we take action in a way that unites, not divides us? How do we work across our differences? How can we defend our neighbours against repressive border policies?


More details on the programme are emerging: Some of the sessions are closed and will be for members of particular organising groups. If you've been invited by a member of your group but you're not sure where your session is on this programme - get in touch.
Other bits of the programme will be open to all. If you'd like to organise or request a particular session, get in touch for a chat at

We'll be providing childcare on-site and there'll be delicious food to share: lunch on both days and dinner on Saturday.

This event will build on three previous movement gatherings in Glasgow this Spring but is open to anyone. More info about the whole series here.


The venue is wheelchair accessible. Children welcome, we’ll be providing childcare on-site for the whole event, and have a limited pot available for transport costs (see registration form). We are committed to supporting your active participation as much as we can during this event. If there are any barriers for you, please let us know when you sign up.

The event is free to participate in but spaces are limited so please book now.

Please get in touch ( or whatsapp on 07510 343586, if you have any other questions, need support filling in the form or would like to contribute in some way.

Organised by

Tripod is a workers' coop delivering trainings and facilitating workshops around social and environmental justice