Tier: 1 Trauma-informed Practice   [Online Session]

Tier: 1 Trauma-informed Practice [Online Session]

This training is perfect for healthcare professionals, social workers, educators, and anyone interested in trauma-informed care. #resilience

Select date and time

Fri, 27 Sep 2024 05:00 - 08:30 PDT



About this event

Tier: 1 Trauma-informed Practice Bradford [Online Session]

Join us for an engaging online session on Tier: 1 Trauma-informed Practice in Bradford. This session will equip you with valuable insights and practical strategies to support individuals affected by trauma. Led by experienced professionals, this training promises an interactive and informative learning experience.

The trauma-informed practice involves an approach to care, services, and support that recognizes the widespread impact of trauma on individuals and aims to create an environment that promotes healing and prevents re-traumatization. This approach is rooted in understanding the effects of trauma on individuals and communities, emphasizing safety, trustworthiness, choice, collaboration, and empowerment.

Why are we doing what we are doing?

  1. Resilient Bradford recognizes the significance of understanding and acknowledging trauma as a crucial step in addressing the challenges faced by individuals and communities.
  2. This training is not only to address trauma but also to help individuals proactively build resilience in the community.

In this training, Participants will delve into

  • Understanding of adversities in both childhood and adulthood, recognizing trauma
  • Acquiring skills to respond effectively to positive outcomes.
  • Building resilience and its transformative impact on an individual's healing journey.

"Resilient Bradford" is a strategic partnership program between Bradford Trident, Wave Trust, and Betterstart Bradford. Our goal is to equip the Bradford workforce community with the knowledge and skills to recognize, address, and prevent trauma.

Contact us at atrproject@bradfordtrident.co.uk for further details and support or if you would like this training for your team.

#TraumaInformed #Resilience #MentalHealth #RestorativeApproach #CommunityLed #Wellbeing #Collaboration #AdverseChildhoodExperiences #MentalHealth #TraumaAwareness

Frequently asked questions

Who can sign up for the ATR training?

This course in Bradford welcomes frontline workers, educators, healthcare professionals, volunteers, and members of the workforce team. If you're passionate about trauma-informed practices and eager to make a positive impact, this training is for you. We would also encourage you to share the page.

Who can sign up for the ATR training?

For anyone based in Bradford and is involved or interested in the well-being of the community. We welcome anyone who is part of the Bradford workforce such as an educators, health workers, family or children worker or members of the police department, housing and volunteer sectors.

Is the training free?

Yes, the ATR training is free to benefit the practice of everyone in Bradford, so spread the word.

Will we get a certificate

Yes, upon completion of the training and the post-training survey, you will be the CPD certificate once it is processed.

Will we get the resource pack?

Yes, upon completion of the Tier-1 Trauma-informed training, you will receive the resource pack.

Can I book the training for my team?

If you want us to deliver training directly to your team, email us at atrproject@bradfordtrident.co.uk. You can only make one booking per account because we need you to fill out an individual pre-training survey, so pass on the link to your teammates.

I’d like to become a Trauma-informed Champion

That's great we need people like you to lead the charge in Bradford, write to us, and we will get back to you.

Do you have in-person training?

Yes, use this link to book the in-person session - https://resilient-bradford-tier1-in-person.eventbrite.co.uk?aff=oddtdtcreator The in-person session takes place in Mayfield Centre, 35 Broadway Ave, and refreshments will be provided.

What will the ATR training cover?

Both of our Level 1: ATR-informed Practice and Level 2: ATR-sensitive Practice will cover both the science behind Adversity, Trauma and Resilience (ATR), as well as how to implement this science in practice. Level 2 will cover the science in greater depth and will introduce new

Organised by

In partnership with the West Yorkshire ATR Project, commissioned by the Public Health, we offer immersive training that embraces the Scottish National Trauma Training Programme's Trauma-Informed Framework. Explore resilience, therapeutic approaches, and evidence-based practices to address mental health and traumatic experiences. Together, let's foster social change and well-being. Join the community-led journey towards transformation, guided by a scientific and trauma-informed approach. Discover the power of collaboration, mindfulness, and trauma-sensitive practices. Embrace the knowledge, build partnerships, and unleash hope. Together, we can create a trauma-informed community that thrives. Funding provided by Public Health supports this initiative by Better Start Bradford, Bradford Trident, and WAVE Trust. Write to us at atrproject@bradfordtrident.co.uk to deliver this free training to your organisation. #TraumaInformed #Resilience #MentalHealth #RestorativeApproach #CommunityLed #Wellbeing