Vision Board Workshop

Vision Board Workshop

Creating a Vision Board is more than pasting pictures to a board. It's taking time for yourself to get clear around, and get what you want!

Select date and time

Sat, 5 Oct 2024 10:00 - 16:00 GMT+1



Bridge Road Ascot SL5 9NL United Kingdom

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

Creating a Vision Board is more than pasting pictures to a board. It's a way of taking time for yourself to get really clear around what you want, sell it to yourself, anchor to your dreams and allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life.

For instance, when I created my Vision Board , I included a new car, spa days and a lovely diamond ring and all these things have come true. Driving my new car I realised I’m noticing my make of car everywhere I go. That’s because it’s been brought into my consciousness.

This is the reason Vision Boards are so powerful. Once you get clarity, you select images and words from magazines and paste them on a poster board. Seeing this board each day aligns your brain with the outcomes you most want to attract.

It sounds pretty simple. (And yes, there is a process to make your Vision Board more powerful.)

So, why doesn’t everyone create Vision Boards? Well, in my experience as a Coach and Trainer most of us never make the time. We let our busy, distracted lives keep us, well, busy and distracted.

It’s time to change that.

Would you like to see how a Vision Board will change your life?  (Especially when you give it the true clarity you deserve?)

A full-day immersion for you to concentrate and maintain focus on your authentic life, in a safe environment with like minded people and have FUN!  Due to the deep nature of the work, there are only 6 places available.

Vision Boards have helped Oprah, Katy Perry, Ellen Degeneres and others achieve success. Join me and make yours! 

You'll gain:

  • Clarity around what you want
  • Space to focus on your authentic life
  • Letting go of what's getting in your way
  • Connection with like minded people
  • All the materials you need to create your Visons Board, although you're welcome to bring your own pictures!
  • Your own Vision Board to take home, put somewhere prominent and imagine the miracles

So, what's stopping you joining me?


Have question?

Contact me on 07827 932138 or email

I'd love to hear from you!


Organised by

Who's Madeline?

When I say I know how it feels, I really can say I know how it feels . . . .

A few years ago, I moved and lived alone for the first time in my life and I struggled! My life consisted of so much drama from everywhere and I felt so lost and alone. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t lift myself out of the place I found myself. Drinking too much, arguing with my children, friends, family, and people in the village I moved to.

I knew I held the key to turning all this around as a qualified Law of Attraction Coach and NLP Practitioner, Trainer, Mentor, Author.

So, I delved into my toolbox of tricks, reached out to other therapies, and started shifting my mindset to focus on what I want, rather than my current reality; being a better mum, family member, friend; a more effective individual; as well as a well-rounded coach, trainer, speaker and communicator.

How we show up in response to anything, the actions we take to close the gap between where we are now and where we want to be, will determine how anything can be turned around.

I have created my ideal body using the 1:1 Diet and in the process, a thriving business coaching clients to get what they want, by letting go of what isn't wanted; thoughts, beliefs and create empowering habits and make long term change, as well as Sponsor and Mentor them to create their own business.

Need help? I can help you turn your life around as I have mine.

Schedule a FREE non-obligation chat HERE

Having lifetime access to training, I am continually investing in my own personal development, moving towards being a more effective individual, a better mum, a better friend, as well as a well rounded trainer, speaker and communicator to enable me to support others in their life and business.

Thank you for taking the time to read!


07827 932138