Wellbeing Wednesday - Desk based yoga

Learn simple techniques to combat physical effects of sitting at computer all day, release tension in neck, shoulders, hands and back.

By Mindful Therapies



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About this event

    Rejuvenate and Reset: 30-Minute Desk Yoga for Office Wellness

    Session Overview:
    Welcome to our 30-minute desk-based yoga session, meticulously crafted to counteract the stress and strain of prolonged sitting, particularly for those spending long hours in front of a computer. This session is a perfect blend of simplicity and effectiveness, designed for all levels, ensuring anyone can participate right at their desk.

    Key Focus Areas:

    1. The Importance of Movement: We begin with a brief discussion on how regular movement breaks can significantly improve your physical and mental well-being, reducing the risk of chronic ailments associated with sedentary lifestyles.
    2. Optimal Breathing Techniques: Learn how to harness the power of your breath. We'll practice deep, mindful breathing to oxygenate your body and calm your mind, setting a serene foundation for the session.
    3. Mindful Movement: Engage in gentle, deliberate movements that bring awareness to each part of your body. This practice helps in acknowledging the state of your body and prepares it for the session ahead.
    4. Neck Release: Relieve neck tension with targeted stretches. These movements are designed to alleviate stiffness and pain caused by prolonged computer use, enhancing flexibility and mobility in the neck region.
    5. Shoulder Reset for Posture: Correct and strengthen your posture with shoulder resets. These exercises are crucial for realigning your spine and preventing the slouching that often occurs during desk work.
    6. Gentle Twists, Side Bends, and Forward Folds: Engage in a series of twists and bends that rejuvenate your spine, release tension, and enhance blood circulation. These movements are especially beneficial for revitalizing your back muscles.
    7. Hip Release: Sitting for long periods can tighten your hip flexors. Our hip release exercises are designed to open and stretch these muscles, aiding in flexibility and reducing discomfort.
    8. Gentle Energizing Face Massage: Conclude the session with a soothing face massage. This practice not only energizes the facial muscles but also helps in reducing stress and promoting a sense of relaxation.

    By the end of this session, you'll feel more relaxed, with noticeable reductions in tension across your neck, shoulders, hands, and back. These techniques will empower you with the knowledge to take quick, effective breaks that rejuvenate your body and mind during a busy workday.

    Join us for this transformative experience and take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced work life.

    Organised by

    Mindful Therapies is a not-for-profit organisation. We’re passionate about making the benefits of mindfulness accessible to all, regardless of how much money they have. This means that when you attend a class or course, all profits go straight back into the community, supporting people who might not otherwise be able to access counselling or mindful training.

