Workshop on airborne chemical contamination

Workshop on airborne chemical contamination

Laser techniques to monitor trace contaminant levels and discussion of generation, sampling and handling of airborne chemical contaminants.


Date and time

Tue, 17 Nov 2020 01:00 - 06:30 PST



About this event

A better understanding of monitoring key airborne contaminants is critical to improved manufacturing in a cleanroom environment. Speakers from research groups and industry will outline how laser techniques can be used to monitor trace contaminant levels and also discuss the generation, sampling and handling of airborne chemical contaminants

Preliminary programme (20-minute talks + 5-minute questions)

10:00 Arrival and microphone check

10:10 Welcome

Tuomas Hieta, Gasera and Geoffrey Barwood, NPL


10:30 “Airborne chemical contamination and the link to process failure”

Markus Keller, (Fraunhofer IPA)

10:55 “Relationship between AMCs and yield from an industrial perspective”

Hugh E. Gotts, Air Liquide Electronics U. S. LP – (Balazs Analytical Services)

Airborne chemical contamination measurement technology

11:20 “Overview of AMC measurement technologies and trends”

Graham Leggett, (LI-COR Biosciences)

11:45 “Laser-spectrometric AMC detection – methods, uncertainties, and metrological traceability” - (PTB)

12:10 40-minute lunch break

12:50 “AMC Monitoring - From Lab to Fab”

Jens Herbig, (IONICON)

13:25 “NICE-OHMS: Frontiers in optical gas sensing”

Anne Curtis, (NPL)

Generating, sampling and handling of airborne chemical contaminants

13:50 “Reliable generation and sampling of AMCs” – (NPL)

14:15 15-minute coffee break

14:30 “Preparation and sampling methods for metrological traceability of measurements of HCl and HF”

Heleen Meuzelaar, VSL

14:55 “Measuring HF, NH3 and HCl in clean rooms”

Timo Rajamäki, VTT / OPTOSEVEN

15:20 Closing Remarks

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