Yoga Magazine

is the title that brings you hot news, features, celebrity interviews and everything that’s what’s new in the world of Yoga, every month. We enjoy a reputation for dynamic, creative editorial and excellence. Featuring the crème de la crème of the Yoga community, the magazine is at the forefront cutting edge features to enhance your practice and lifestyle. Every month we explore advanced poses, anatomy of a pose for beginners, regular columns from experts in the field of yoga. Our content reflects reads like the whos who of yoga.

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Past (1)

British Yoga Festival primary image

British Yoga Festival

Fri, Dec 5, 1:00 PM

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British Yoga Festival primary image

British Yoga Festival

Fri, Dec 5, 1:00 PM

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is the title that brings you hot news, features, celebrity interviews and everything that’s what’s new in the world of Yoga, every month. We enjoy a reputation for dynamic, creative editorial and excellence. Featuring the crème de la crème of the Yoga community, the magazine is at the forefront cutting edge features to enhance your practice and lifestyle. Every month we explore advanced poses, anatomy of a pose for beginners, regular columns from experts in the field of yoga. Our content reflects reads like the whos who of yoga.


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British Yoga Festival primary image

British Yoga Festival

Fri, Dec 5, 1:00 PM

Check ticket price on event

British Yoga Festival primary image

British Yoga Festival

Fri, Dec 5, 1:00 PM

Check ticket price on event