If you’ve been following along all week, you know that we’ve been sharing lots of helpful tips for conference organisers. We’ll continue to share blog posts, Q&A’s with our favorite organisers, checklists, templates, and slideshares…but since organising conferences is a rare profession that requires you to use both your right brain AND your left brain, we thought we’d pause for a bit this Friday and focus on the fun, creative side of conference planning.

Here are our favorite articles on how to find, boost, and channel your creative energy.

Feel like you’re lacking imagination? Christina Desmarais insists that everyone can be more original, it just takes practice! Check out this post where she interviews Keith Sawyer, research psychologist and author of “Zig Zag: The Surprising Path to Greater Creativity.” ← also a great read!

Wondering what you should drink to churn out your best ideas? This fun infographic explains what happens to your brain when you drink coffee and beer.

Not into beer or coffee? Looks like chocolate could help boost your creativity, according to this post. This post offers 29 foods and herbs to help in this department as well.

Able to design your own office or workstpace? Here are 14 Strategies for Creating a Workspace that Kicks Ass and Helps Keep You Creative, according to Paid to Exist and 10 Office Design Tips to Foster Creativity from Inc.

Are you a visual person? Check out this post from Jacob Cass with his 56 Awe Inspiring Must See Creative Photographs.

More of a logophile (word lover)? Author Fran Sorin shares 48 Quotes to Inspire Creativity and Play.

Tried everything above and still need help? This post by Gary Korisko offers up some ideas on How to Be Creative When Your Brain Doesn’t Want to Play.

What are your favorite ways to harness your creativity and come up with new, innovative ideas while planning events? Tell us in the comments below!