Adolescent Brains

Adolescent Brains

Adolescent Brains: How to meet the challenge of helping them learn & stay safe


Date and time

Wednesday, March 27 · 2:30 - 5:30am PDT



About this event

    Please note: Bookings for this course will be limited to 2 places per school/organisation

    Adolescence is a time of major transition from childhood to adulthood, and a time of striking changes in the brain, with huge reorganisation and restructuring alongside development of more advanced functions. In fact, the brain doesn’t function or look like an adult brain until the early 20s. Advances in brain imaging using MRI scans now tell us that adolescence features a second ‘wave’ of brain growth and provides an opportunity to re-wire the brain dependent on learning. Along with huge changes in hormone levels and brain chemistry, adolescent brain research has much to tell us about how young adults learn, socialise and behave, and the best ways to keep them motivated and keep them safe

    This course is aimed at any professionals who work with adolescents and want to learn more about how they can support them

    This half-day training seeks to provide participants with:

    • A foundation in human brain development and brain function.

    • A greater understanding of how adolescent brains change and develop.

    • Awareness of adolescent skills, abilities and vulnerabilities due to brain changes.

    • Knowledge around risk taking and reward, thinking about how to keep adolescents safe.

    • Practical ideas about what we can do to support adolescent brain development and how to engage and motivate young people in learning.

    Virtual meeting details will be circulated to attendees closer to the start date. The course will be held on Microsoft Teams.

    Northamptonshire Virtual School has funded the TAMHS programmes to be FREE for education settings from grant funding received from the DFE. The Virtual Schools aim is to enable education settings to build their workforces skills to better support children in care, children with a social worker and other vulnerable children and young people.

    Please note: We know that sometimes, unexpected events can occur, and this may mean that delegates are not able to attend training they signed up to. If this is the case, please do cancel your place as soon as possible. Where delegates sign up to a course but do not cancel within 5 working days of the course commencing, and do not attend the training, the person’s organisation (school or other setting) will be charged a flat fee of £50. (This fee will be waived if we judge that given reasons for cancellation within the 5 days, such as illness, are legitimate).

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