CV Audit & 1:1 Feedback from a professional Recruiter

CV Audit & 1:1 Feedback from a professional Recruiter

Personalized 30-minute CV audits to enhance your job search with expert feedback and support.

By TalentBrew

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About this event


    Our 30-minute 1:1 CV audit service provides tailored feedback and actionable advice to improve your resume and boost your job search success. During the session, we’ll review your CV in detail, highlight strengths, identify areas for improvement, and offer strategies to better align your resume with your career goals. Whether you're applying for your first job or aiming for a higher position, our expert guidance will help you stand out to employers.

    Who Would Benefit from This Service

    • Recent Graduates: Transition smoothly from academia to the job market.
    • Career Changers: Reframe your experiences to appeal to new industries or roles.
    • Job Seekers: Increase your chances of getting noticed and landing interviews.
    • Professionals Seeking Advancement: Optimise your CV to reflect your growth & readiness for higher positions.
    • Individuals Re-entering the Workforce: Update your CV to highlight relevant skills & experiences after a career break.

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