Enjoy lunch with Rothesay at  Gaucho Broadgate

Enjoy lunch with Rothesay at Gaucho Broadgate

An opportunity for MNTs of DB schemes who are beginning their journey to buy out, or those just wanting to learn more about this option and


Date and time

Tuesday, June 18 · 12:30 - 2:30pm GMT+1


Gaucho Broadgate

5 Finsbury Avenue London EC2M 2PG United Kingdom

About this event

The AMNT and Rothesay would like to invite you to join them on Tuesday 18th June to explore what the journey to buy-out might look like for your DB scheme, and the steps that will help you get there. They’ll also be discussing current industry trends and other de-risking solutions.

End-game planning is now an agenda item at most trustee meetings. Rising interest rates and the current inflationary environment both mean that many trustees have found that their schemes have made significant funding gains. This, coupled with a slowdown in longevity improvements and the maturing of schemes has meant that the end-game is no longer a distant spot on the horizon but now coming into focus for an increasing number of schemes.

Venue website - https://gauchorestaurants.com/restaurants/broadgate/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=broadgate_gmb

Organized by

Co-Chair of AMNT
