Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning

Executive Functioning: An introduction


Date and time

Wednesday, June 12 · 1:30 - 4am PDT



About this event

    Please note: Bookings for this course will be limited to 2 places per school/organisation

    Executive Functions (EF) help us to complete a task, filter distractions, resist inappropriate or non-productive impulses, and sustain attention during a particular activity. We use them to set goals and plan ways to meet them, assess our progress along the way, and adjust the plan if necessary, whilst managing emotions, such as frustration. These skills are important for all of us to be able to respond to the demands of everyday life, and are hugely important for learning.

    This course is aimed at teachers, teaching assistants and pastoral support staff who work with all children and young people, and those with social, emotional and mental health needs

    The session’s objectives:

    • To develop an understanding of what executive functions are and why they are important.

    • To understand what difficulties in executive functioning look like.

    • To find out about activities and strategies you can use in school to support children’s executive functions and as a result their readiness to learn.

    Virtual meeting details will be circulated to attendees closer to the start date. The course will be held on Microsoft Teams.

    Northamptonshire Virtual School has funded the TAMHS programmes to be FREE for education settings from grant funding received from the DFE. The Virtual Schools aim is to enable education settings to build their workforces skills to better support children in care, children with a social worker and other vulnerable children and young people.

    Please note: We know that sometimes, unexpected events can occur, and this may mean that delegates are not able to attend training they signed up to. If this is the case, please do cancel your place as soon as possible. Where delegates sign up to a course but do not cancel within 5 working days of the course commencing, and do not attend the training, the person’s organisation (school or other setting) will be charged a flat fee of £50. (This fee will be waived if we judge that given reasons for cancellation within the 5 days, such as illness, are legitimate).

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